Family Nutrition Education Programs Nutrition for Missouri Families FNEP
FNEP assists low-income Missourians
Nutritional needs include: Availability Safety Nutritional Quality
Target Audience School-Age Youth Prenatals Infants Preschool Children Supporting Adults
Collaborative Approach Multi-disciplinary Holistic
Where is FNEP? Throughout the U.S. Throughout Missouri Throughout the Regions
The Family Nutrition Education Program FNEP What is FNEP? EFNEP Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program FNP Family Nutrition Program
The Family Nutrition Education Program Expanded Foods and Nutrition Education Program EFNEP Family Nutrition Program FNP FNEP
Expanded Foods and Nutrition Education Program +Target audience Income within 185% of poverty Children in home under 19 +Series of lessons +No match required for funding
Family Nutrition Program OTarget Audience Eligible for food stamps OSeries of lessons preferred lessons for adults 5-7 lessons for youth OFunding requires 1:1 in-kind match with public agencies
FNEP in NW Missouri Serving people in all 15 counties of Northwest Missouri
FNEP in NE Missouri Serving people in all 16 counties of Northeast Missouri
FNEP in WC Missouri Serving people in all 11 counties of West Central Missouri
FNEP in Central Missouri Serving people in all 14 counties of Central Missouri
FNEP in EC Missouri Serving people in all 11 counties of East Central Missouri
FNEP in SW Missouri Serving people in all 16 counties of Southwest Missouri
FNEP in SC Missouri Serving people in all 16 counties of South Central Missouri
FNEP in SE Missouri Serving people in South East Missouri in the Ozark Foothills and the Bootheel
FNEP in SE Missouri (Bootheel) Serving people in all 6 counties of South East Missouri (Bootheel)
FNEP in SE Missouri (Ozark Foothills) Serving people in all 10 counties of South East Missouri (Ozark Foothills)
Family Nutrition Education Program Developed by : Karen Elliott Janet Hackert Glynda Hensley FNEP
Family Nutrition Education Programs Nutrition for Missouri Families FNEP