Water Supply Team Updates Group Members: Christopher BooneDale Meck Peter BurnsKendra Skopp Amy GroveSima Thakkar Andrea Gruber Advisor: Dr. Weber Shirk
History Since 1980s, participants in community water supply systems: – the Government Water and Sanitation Department – International NGO’s – National NGO’s such as Agua para el Pueblo As a result: Access to potable water in rural areas has jumped from 47% in 1987 to 60% in 1996 (Trevett and Nunez)
Partner Organization Agua Para el Pueblo (APP) - Honduran Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) – Help developing communities obtain drinking water and adequate sanitation – Aid in design and construction of water distribution systems – Focus on community involvement
Review of Semester’s Goals Continue development of a software tool that designs water distribution systems – Aid engineers at APP in design of gravity fed systems in rural communities – Use Spring 2003 EWF work as a springboard – Based in Excel Incorporate GPS and altimeter data Output data into EPANET – Translate into Spanish
Semester Goals cont. Create a Spanish User Manual Trip to Honduras – Education – Instructional – Determine ways EWF could be helpful in the future
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet EPAnet Network EPAnet INP File Altimeter Garmin GPS Unit Survey Data Distribution System Design Survey Data Acquisition Transmission System and Tank Design Flow Specifications and Junction Locations Excel VBA Script EPAnet Import Command Excel VBA Script EPAnet Export Command Excel VBA Script List of needed materials for pricing (Not this Semester) This semester’s work plan
Accomplishments – Spreadsheet Hydraulically correct Handles data from Theodolite and GPS Takes into account different material needs Provides basic pipeline design that can be modified Outputs head loss, pressure, and Hydraulic Grade Line of proposed pipeline design
Accomplishments - EPANET Can send Excel file to EPANET – Opens EPANET – Draws pipeline EPAnet Network: Environmental Protection Agency’s Water Distribution Design Program
Work in Progress Translations – Contacted multiple sources for help – Have reviewer and initial translators Itinerary for Honduras Trip in January Presentations – Excel and EPANET Workshops
Future Work Organization Work To Complete Spreadsheet EPANET Capabilities Error Messages/ Clean Code Distribution Tank User Manuals Workshops EPANETExcelGPS
Honduras Trip Deliver design tool to APP Present Workshops on: – Design Tool – EPANET – GPS – Microsoft Excel
Honduras Trip Travel to Copan and/or Yoro – Inspect current water supply projects – Test design tool Feedback on design tool Determine ways EWF could be helpful in the future
Thank you! Questions?