Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. The Christian is enthralled with studies regarding Jesus (cp. I Cor. 14: 37). “Jesus” is truly the most precious name ever uttered and the person of Jesus has influenced and moved more people than all the combined great men the world has or shall ever produce!
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. “Most Christians believe that Jesus is God incarnate, being one of the three divine persons who make up the single substance of God, a concept known as the Holy Trinity. In this respect, Jesus is both distinct and yet of the same being as God the Father and the God the Holy Spirit. They believe Jesus is the Son of God, and also the Messiah…. Most also believe that Jesus' miracles and resurrection are additional proof that he is God. They combine this with the classic proof based on the two rational alternatives in the face of Jesus' repeated claims that he is the one God of Israel (e.g. Jn 8:58): either he is truly God or a bad man (a liar or a lunatic), the latter being dismissed on the basis of Jesus' perceived coherence…” (Wikipedia Encyclopedia).
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. “9: But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man” (Heb. 2). “21: For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him” (2 Cor. 5). “28: For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins” (Matt. 26).
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. Jesus was a Jew of the tribe of Judah (Matt. 1: 1-17; Heb. 7: 14). There is no indication that Jesus was dissimilar to the average Jew (Jn. 8: 59). Jesus, then, would have been dark complexioned and would have had dark hair and eyes. The fact he was a carpenter would have probably rendered him somewhat muscular (Mk. 6: 3, a carpenter worked a lot with stone and iron). It appears from Isaiah 50: 6 that Jesus wore a beard.
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. There are some things we know from the scriptures that further help us to establish a little regarding Jesus' appearance, especially from the negative. Isaiah tells us that Jesus did not have any native beauty that would attract people (Isa. 53: 2). Since the apostle Paul by inspiration taught that it is a shame for a man to have long hair, we know Jesus did not have long hair (I Cor. 11: 14). The only exception was the vow of the Nazarene. John took such a vow, but not Jesus (Lk. 1: 15; Matt. 11: 19).
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. Jesus was born 1. Matt. 2: 1, Luke 2: 11-14, Matt. 1: 20, 21.
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. Jesus went up straightway 1. Matt. 3: 16,
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. Jesus began to preach 1. Matt. 4: 17, 23, Matt. 5: 1, 2, 7: 28, 29.
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. Jesus sent forth 1. Matt. 10: 5, Luke 2: 1, 9, 16, Matt. 28:
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. Jesus knew their thoughts 1. Matt. 12: 25, 9: 4, John 2: 24, 25.
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. Jesus went unto them 1. Matt. 14: 22-25,
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. Jesus took Peter…. 1. Matt. 17: 1, 2-8, 2 Pet. 1:
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. Jesus rebuked the devil 1. Matt.17: 18, 4: 3-11.
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. Jesus called a little child 1. Matt. 18: 2, 1-6, 19:
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. Jesus going up to Jerusalem 1. Matt. 20: 17,
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. Jesus had compassion 1. Matt. 20: 34,
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. Jesus went into the temple 1. Matt. 21: 12,
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. Jesus asked them 1. Matt. 22: 41,
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. Jesus took bread 1. Matt. 26: 26,
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. Jesus cometh 1. Matt. 26: 36,
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. Jesus held his peace 1. Matt. 26: 63, cp. Isa. 53: 7.
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. Jesus cried out 1. Matt. 27: 46, cp. Ps. 22: 1.
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. Jesus yielded up spirit 1. Matt. 27: 50.
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. Jesus said, Father…. 1. Luke 23: 34.
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. Jesus met them 1. Matt. 28: 9, 1-10, cp. Acts 1:
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. All power is given unto me 1. Matt. 28: 18-20, cp. Col. 2: 10, 1:
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. He was taken up 1. Acts 1: 9-11, cp. Rev. 1: 7.
Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc. Conclusion: From noticing action statements and descriptive terms applied to Jesus, we can learn much about him. We can learn of his mission (preach); nature; authority; his protocol or manner; militancy; self- control; temptations; and resurrection. “54: Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God” (Matt. 27).