GPS Network for COPS German – French – Swiss Collaboration.


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Presentation transcript:

GPS Network for COPS German – French – Swiss Collaboration

GPS observations for COPS Scientific Objectives Water vapor evolution: IWV fields, Tomography, Lge scale VS Sml scale studies Investigations on precursors to convective initiation Input to models for assimilation ? Case study: validation of model water vapor fields, comparisons with other instruments

GPS observations for COPS GPS existing networks SAPOS/GFZ in Germany AGNES in Switzerland RGP—TERA—RENAG in France

GPS network

GPS observations for COPS New stations deployment ? GFZ: 5 additional permanent stations  black forest

GPS network New GFZ stations ?

GPS observations for COPS New stations deployment ? GFZ: 5 additional permanent stations  black forest French temporary network up to 16 stations Extend the 50 km network towards France and Rhine valley

GPS network French temporary stations ? (large scale)

GPS observations for COPS New stations deployment ? GFZ: 5 additional permanent stations  black forest French temporary network up to 16 stations Extend the 50 km network towards France and Rhine valley Densify the network around COPS central area -- French supersite -- Rhine valley

GPS network French temporary stations ? (small scale)

GPS observations for COPS COPS community input ? Deployment priorities ? GPS data processing  Processing centers: GFZ + ?  Products needed ? ZTD's, STD's, IWV's, Tomographic fields and profiles  Real time VS Post processing: for which stations and what products

Comments and Suggestions ? GPS observations for COPS COPS community input: Comments and Suggestions ?