Can Computers Evolve? A Plug For Next Week’s Guest Speaker, Professor Art Farley There is a theory of human evolution: Genetics. General notion is that small changes occur in DNA that are passed to offspring. These can be viewed as random. ID would view them as purposeful. Some offspring benefit from a change and are given an advantage in current environment.
Question: Can We Simulate Genetics? Can a Computer Model Genetics? Yes, now routine to use computer models. Helps us understand human evolution. Leads to DNA engineering to produce variants.
Does This Get Us Closer to Computer Evolution? Well, first would have to have the “DNA” of a computer. Then would have to have a means to change it. Then would have to have a means of determining if that change was beneficial.
Professor Farley Will Discuss Topic Just one final note: It took millions of years to evolve into our current form. With all this speed that Kurzweil talks about, could a computer evolve faster if it was in control of the whole thing? Like, way faster?