Oakland University Student Congress Think Success, Think Oakland University!
Our Mission To provide Oakland University with a proactive and capable student congress that will meet the needs of our growing campus community
Our Promise ACCOUNTABILITY : A clear division of labor to ensure all goals are implemented effectively CONTINUITY : Maintain OUSC’s standard of excellence ASSESSMENT : Evaluate all OUSC programs to ensure fiscal responsibility
Student Services OUSC and the Office of Government Relations co-sponsor the annual “OU Day at the Capitol” providing access to state government Each fall semester, OUSC sponsors a two-day Student Voter Registration Drive OUSC participates in Welcome Week and WOCOU activities
Diversity Ensure through constitutional provisions that the legislature include faculty, staff and the Residence Halls Council president Participate in Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day activities and Keeper of The Dream Banquet Co-sponsor International Night activities
Advocacy Proposal K advocate to enhance the cultural arts Proposal 4 opponent Support OU General Education restructuring
Programming OUSC has partnered with the Dean of Students Office, University Housing, Campus Recreation, Meadow Brook Hall, Athletics, Center for Student Activities, and numerous student organizations to provide a variety of programs and activities OUSC and the Student Program Board (SPB) held the First Annual Student/Faculty Basketball game
Student Congress For more information, visit OUSC online at The Student Congress Office is located in room 68 of the Oakland Center lower level