ESPACES “ Establishing a Pan-European Service Centric 3/4G mobile communications environment”. An Integrated Project Proposal Co-ordinator: Telecommunications Software & Systems Group Waterford Institute of Technology
Project Objectives To develop, validate and promote an integrated Pan-European Service Environment for seamless service delivery and management on a service-centric mobile telecommunications network ii Communications, computing and software technologies i Applied IST research addressing major social and economic challenges Sub Thematic Priorities
Develop service delivery and usage business models based on customer requirements/needs analysis Develop Advanced Service Architectures for mobile Internet Develop engineering methods and tools for service delivery, activation and management Develop a service management component framework based on the principle of plug-and-play and unplug-and-play Address business and regulatory requirements for Pan-European service rollout. Create a Pan-European 3G mobile testbed Some Key Goals
Project Workplan Structure
Partners involved... UK, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Canada, Greece universitites, suppliers, operators, R&D institutes
Polish Partners Wanted... telecom operators equipment suppliers mobile service providers mobile content providers