Careers in the Public Sector Jenny Keaveney Careers Advisory Service
WHO WANTS TO WORK IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR? In the latest Times Top 100 Graduate Employers, 3 of the Top 10 “employers of choice for graduates” are in the public sector. This year’s FT Graduate recruitment report showed a similar picture, with the top 3 recruiters all being public sector bodies. Why?
WHAT IS THE PUBLIC SECTOR? Civil Service Government agencies Local authorities NHS Armed forces Emergency services Educational bodies Intelligence services Regulatory bodies Lots of initials! GCHQ ECGD DFID CPS FCO DEFRA DWP ONS ngdp
WHERE ARE THE JOBS IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR? Central government2,496,000 (including NHS, armed forces, Civil Service & executive agencies) Local Government 2,919,000 (including police forces and schools) Non-departmental public bodies 96,456 (e.g. the Arts Council, Student Loans Company, ESRC) Public corporations 343,000 (e.g. BBC, Royal Mail)
The official definition is a person employed by the Crown, working in a non-political capacity for the elected government of the day Civil Service statistics make a distinction between people working for ministerial departments and those working for other public bodies and executive agencies – but the term “civil servant” is often used to include anybody working for central government Constitutionally, employees of Parliament and of bodies which report direct to Parliament, (e.g. the National Audit Office) are not civil servants
WHAT IS A CIVIL SERVANT? Tax inspector Researcher Actuary Lawyer Economist Statistician Press Officer Intelligence Officer … and more Female (53%) From an ethnic minority (8.6%) Disabled (6.7%) A part-time worker (20%) Based outside London (17% of civil servants work in London: 71% work outside South-East England) S/he may be a: and may also be:
OPPORTUNITIES FOR GRADUATES IN THE CIVIL SERVICE The Fast Stream Junior Managers Other specialist recruitment
WHAT IS THE FAST STREAM? The only centralised, all-graduate, recruitment scheme Recruits between high-calibre graduates into a number of generalist and specialist functions working on Government policy in their departments Aims to develop the senior civil servants of the future Most vacancies based in London
THE FAST STREAM Home Civil Service Diplomatic Service Science & Engineering* Parliamentary Clerks Technology in Business Statisticians* Economists* GCHQ Entry requirements: -UK, EEA or Commonwealth citizen -2.2 minimum (most entrants have 2.1) in any subject except where marked*
WHAT DO FAST-STREAM TRAINEES ACTUALLY DO? Training is based on a series of month postings Fast Streamers get early responsibility and have the opportunity of a wide range of jobs, often working directly with Ministers They implement government policy, ensure enquiries unearth the facts and brainstorm new policies and their consequences Recent examples of Fast Streamers’ work includes:
WHAT DO FAST-STREAM TRAINEES ACTUALLY DO? “I co-ordinated the tsunami relief effort for DFID. I pulled together the latest updates on the situation, attended press conferences and briefed ministers” “I devised and ran a major internal communications campaign, for which I consulted with and briefed staff at all levels including the Chairman and Chief Executive” “I’m working on ways in which agencies such as HMRC, Immigration and Special Branch can combine effectively to enhance security while facilitating legitimate trade” For more profiles see
WHAT DO FAST-STREAM TRAINEES ACTUALLY DO? Whichever department you work for, you are also likely to be involved in: –Writing briefings, speeches and answers to Parliamentary questions for ministers –Analysing the structure and management of information systems –Project management –Co-ordinating activities and ensuring clear lines of communications – For more about what to expect, see
Essential competencies Results-oriented Flexible thinker Decisive Able to build productive relationships ….. and to communicate with impact Open to learning and improving How to Apply Closing date for entry in Sept 2009 is 30th November 2008 Self-assessment test Online application form E-tray exercise One-day assessment centre
CIVIL SERVICE MAINSTREAM POSTS Also known as Junior Managers, Executive Officers or Operational Entrants (Diplomatic Service only) Involved with applying government policies in practice Middle-management role Opportunities to move into the Fast Stream You don’t have to be a graduate - but 60-70% of entrants are
CIVIL SERVICE MAINSTREAM POSTS The work may involve: Managing office budgets Assessing visa applications in a British embassy overseas Dealing with day-to-day enquiries and correspondence Managing and training staff Maintaining computer systems Applying rules and procedures to individual cases
MAINSTREAM RECRUITMENT No centralised recruitment - departments and agencies advertise their own vacancies as and when they arise Advertising may only be on a local basis … … but keep an eye on the Civil Service Recruitment Gateway Recruitment is generally for posts to be filled immediately, so apply after or just before you graduate
LOCAL GOVERNMENT There are 467 local councils in the UK – plus over 11,000 town, parish and community councils Local councils spend over £70 billion a year Local government employs over two million people - one of the largest employers in the UK There are around 600 occupations and thousands of different job titles in local government
WHAT DO LOCAL AUTHORITIES DO? Education Environmental health Emergency services Highways Housing Leisure and tourism Social services
GETTING INTO LOCAL GOVERNMENT National graduate recruitment scheme (ngdp) Local graduate recruitment schemes (e.g. KCC) Graduate Talent Pool – online database of graduates interested in local government Direct application
National Graduate Recruitment Programme A two-year “Fast-Stream” style programme designed to develop future managers and leaders in local government General management training through a range of placements across a local authority, plus mentoring and study for a PG diploma Over 400 local authorities in England & Wales participate – you only need to make one application Recruiting up to 80 graduates next year Requires 2.1 minimum Closing date 12 January 2009 Starting salary £21122 (£25309 in London)
LOCAL GOVERNMENT GRADUATE SCHEMES IN KENT Ashford, Canterbury and Medway councils have all recruited through ngdp in the past Kent County Council runs its own Graduate Programme –Three streams: Management, Finance and Transport –Recruits in spring each year for an October start –Four six-month placements in different departments –Starting salary £22825 in – graduate-programme/
LOCAL GOVERNMENT OTHER ROUTES IN Other local authorities recruiting outside the ngdp – check websites Graduate Talent Pool – register your details on an online database of graduates interested in local government and-students/graduate-recruitment-in-local- government/ Finance – see Direct application for advertised jobs
NHS GRADUATE SCHEMES Four schemes: –General Management –Finance Management –Human Resources Management –Informatics Management 2.2 in any subject; UK or EEA residents Closing date 28 November 2008 Starting salary approx. £
OTHER GRADUATE SCHEMES IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR Audit Commission National Audit Office Financial Services Authority Intelligence Services (MI5, MI6, etc) Armed Forces
OTHER EMPLOYERS IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR Emergency services Prison and probation services Housing associations Educational institutions You might also want to look at Charities Trades unions
FINDING OUT MORE I Want to Work In … the Public Sector TARGET Jobs Public Service Prospects Public Administration links
CAREERS AND RECRUITMENT FAIR 6 November 2008 Eliot Great Hall 2.00 – 5.00 pm Employers attending include: Civil Service Fast Stream NHS