BUS496 Strategic Management & Policy Chapter 1 Introducing Strategic Management
OBJECTIVES Understand what a strategy is and identify the difference between business-level and corporate-level strategy 1 Understand the relationship between strategy formulation and implementation 2 3 Describe the determinants of competitive advantage 4 Recognize the difference between a fundamental and a dynamic competitive advantage 5 Understand why we study strategic management
A TALE OF TWO STORES Experts believe Sears way was the only way to compete “The paragon of retailers” Rapid growth, driven by end-based locations and company-controlled factories Sears launches catalog business Financial trouble; sells off all non-retail businesses Takes control of production and distribution Acquired by KMart 1970 1891 1924 Expands into banking, investments, real estate services, and insurance 1960 1980 1990 2000 2005 A Firm’s per-formance is directly related to the quality of its strategy and its compe-tency in im-plementing it Moves into on-premise retailing/General Robert Wood takes over Perfects model; grows; expands into new markets (international) and store concepts (Sam’s clubs) Sam Walton opens first Wal-Mart with focus on low-prices Dizzying growth 1962 1970 1980 2000 30 stores located in “one-horse towns which everybody else was ignoring”; Sam Walton Invests $500 million in inventory management technology
TWO RETAILERS AT A GLANCE Sears Wal-Mart Year founded 1891 1962 600 5289 Stores 1980 Stores 2004 864 2026 $1,643 million $285,222 million Revenues 1980 Revenues 2004 $25,194 million $36,100 million Net profits 1980 Net profits 2004 606M (2.4% return on sales) 507M (-1.4% return on sales) $55 M(3.3% return on sales) $10,267 M (3.6% return on sales) Market capitalization 1980 Market capitalization 2004 USD 4.8 billion USD 12.2 billion USD 1 billion USD 200.2 billion
THREE OVERARCHING THEMES Implementing a good strategy is at least as important as creating one, yet many managers give too little thought to implementation To succeed, the formulation of a good strategy and its implementa-tion should be inextricably connected Strategic leadership is responsible for making substantive resource allocation decisions and developing key-stakeholder support of the strategy Firms and industries are dynamic in nature Strategic leader- ship is essential if a firm is able to both formulate and imple-ment strategies that create value We need to see a firm’s competitive position, not as a snapshot, but as an ongoing movie
STRATEGY Strategos: “the general’s view” Holistic “big picture” Lower officer (e.g., supply logistics infantry, heavy armored vehicles) Tactical details
THE STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PROCESS Strategic analyses Internal External Strategy Vision and mission Arenas Vehicles Differentiators Staging Economic logic Implementation levers and Strategic leadership Fundamental organizational purpose Organizational values The central, integrated, externally oriented concept of how a firm will achieve its objectives
QUESTIONS OF CORPORATE-LEVEL AND BUSINESS-LEVEL STRATEGY ? Corporate-level strategy should ask In which markets do we compete today? In which markets do we want to compete tomorrow? How does our ownership of a business ensure its competitiveness today and in the future? Business-level strategy should ask ? How do we compete in this market today? How will we compete in this market in the future?
STRATEGY AND IMPLEMENTATION ITERATE WAL-MART EXAMPLE Compete as discount retailer in rural markets Leverage inventory and sourcing systems to be low-cost leader Strategy: The process of deciding what to do Implementation: The process of performing all the activities necessary to do what has been planned Invest heavily in organizational structure, systems, and processes
UNPLANNED ACTIONS CAN DRIVE STRATEGY Intel’s original focus (1970s & 1980s) Focus on micro-processor segment By 1984, 95% of Intel revenue came from the microprocessor segment Design and manufacture of Dynamic, Random-Access Memory Chips (DRAM) Unplanned experimental venture to make microprocessors for Busicom, a Japanese calculator maker
BUSINESS STRATEGY DIAMOND Where will we be active? ( and with how much emphasis?) Which product categories? Which channels? Which market segments? Which geographic areas? Which core technologies Which value-creation strategies? Arenas Arenas What will be our speed and sequence of moves? Speed of expansion? Sequence of initiatives Staging Economic logic How will we get there? Internal development? Joint ventures? Licensing/franchising? Experimentation? Acquisitions? Vehicles Staging Vehicles How will returns be obtained? Lowest costs through scale advantages? Lowest costs through scope and replication advantages Premium prices due to unmatchable service? Premium prices due to proprietary product features? Economic logic Differentiators How will we win? Image? Customization? Price? Styling? Product reliability? Speed to market? Differentiators
JET BLUE STRATEGY Low fare commercial air carrier Arenas Underserved but over-priced US cities Vehicles Start from scratch and achieve all growth internally (i.e., do not purchase a regional airline) Objective To “bring humanity back to air travel” Differentiators High level of service compared to low fare competitors (e.g., leather seating, satellite TV) Strategy Grow from one route between two cities to serving 20 cities in just 3 years Economic logic Secure cost advantage by being willing and able to perform key tasks differently One type of plane JFK home base Secondary location
GOALS OF STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION To make sure strategy formulation is comprehensive and well informed 1 To translate good ideas into actions that can be executed (and sometimes to use execution to generate or identify good ideas) 2
IMPORTANCE OF EXECUTION “The important decisions, the decisions that really matter, are strategic . . . [But] more important and more difficult is to make effective the course of action decided upon.” – Peter Drucker
FRAMEWORK FOR STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION Key Factors of Strategy Implementation Implementation levers Organizational structure Systems and processes People and rewards Realized and Emergent Strategies Intended Strategy Strategic leadership Lever- and resource-allocation decisions Decision support among stakeholders
IMPLEMENTATION LEVERS Description Structure is the manner in which responsibilities, tasks, and people are organized. It includes the organization’s authority structure, hierarchy, units, divisions, and coordinating mechanisms Organizational structure Systems are all the organizational processes and procedures used in daily operations. These include control and incentive systems, resource‑allocation procedures, information systems, budgeting, and distribution Systems and processes The people and rewards lever points to the importance of using all organization members to implement a strategy. Competitive advantage is generally tied to your human resources. Successful implementation depends on having the right people and then developing and training them in ways that support the firm’s strategy. In addition, rewards – how you pay your people – can accelerate the implementation of your strategy or undermine it People and rewards
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Competitive Advantage: a Firm’s ability to create value in a way that its rivals cannot Key question: how do Firms create sustained above-average returns?
THREE PERSPECTIVES OF COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Internal External Dynamic Often called the “resource view”, contends that firms are heterogeneous bundles of resources and capabilities and firms with superior resources and capabilities enjoy competitive advantage over other firms. This advantage makes it relatively easier to achieve consistently higher levels of performance Also called the “positional view”, contends that variations in a firm’s competitive advantage and performance are primarily a function of industry attractiveness. Companies should therefore either (1) position themselves to compete in attractive industries or (2) adopt strategies that will make their current industries more attractive Suggests that in dynamic, rapidly changing markets, a firm’s current market position is not an accurate prediction of future performance. Instead, we look at the past for clues about how the firm arrived at its current position and to future trends – both internal and external – in an effort to predict the future landscape
SUMMARY Understand what a strategy is and identify the difference between business-level and corporate-level strategy 1 Understand the relationship between strategy formulation and implementation 2 Describe the determinants of competitive advantage 3 Recognize the difference between a fundamental and a dynamic competitive advantage 4 Understand why we study strategic management 5
? REVIEW QUESTIONS What is strategic management? What are the key components of the strategic management process? How does business strategy differ from corporate strategy? What is the relationship between strategy formulation and strategy implementation? What are the five elements of the strategy-formulation – diamond model? What are the internal and external perspectives on competitive advantage? What are the fundamental and dynamic perspectives on competitive advantage? Why should you study strategic management? ?
GROUP ACTIVITY Choose a company with which you are familiar. What is the difference between business and corporate strategy at this firm? How could this difference affect the experiences and opportunities that you might gain by working for this firm? Finally, taking advantage of your insight into the firm’s strategy, construct a high-impact job-application cover letter.
GROUP ACTIVITY Identify a firm that may be thinking of expanding into new international markets. Apply the staging element of the strategy diamond to the firm’s expansion opportunities or plans. Which markets should it target first and why? How will international expansion be related to the firm’s business and corporate strategies?