Introduction Revenue cycle: 1. Respond to customer inquiries 2. Develop agreements with customers to provide goods and services in the future 3. Provide services or ship goods to the customer 4. Recognize claim for goods and services provided 5. Collect cash 6. Deposit cash in the bank 7. Prepare reports
Introduction Alternative revenue cycle systems: Alternative ordering methods 1. Order before delivery 2. Immediate customer Alternative payment timing 1. Before delivery 2. At time of delivery 3. After delivery Alternative forms of payment 1. Cash 2. Check 3. Credit or debit card 4. Sales on account
Revenue Cycle: Process and Data Risks: Execution Recording Updating Revenue cycle menu
Revenue Cycle: Process and Data Controls: Workflow controls Input controls Drop-down menus Record checking Confirmation of data Referential integrity controls Format checks to limit data entered Validation rules to limit the data entered
Revenue Cycle: Process and Data Controls: Input controls Use of defaults Restrictions against leaving a field blank Establish a field as a primary key Computer-generated values Batch control totals before data entry compared to printouts after data entry Review of edit report for errors Exception reports
File Maintenance Using Customer File Maintenance to Control Risks Controls over Customer Maintenance: File maintenance for inventory File maintenance and performance reviews
Accept Order On-line ordering Sales orders and services
Pick and Ship Goods Effect of shipment on database
Bill Customer Control trade-offs
Collect Cash
Record Collections Posting the records
Deposit Cash
Reconcile Cash Controls provided by other periodic comparisons Comparison of the deposit slip to communications from the bank Compare an accounts receivable ledger report to the accounts receivable balance in the general ledger
Monthly Activities Send customer statements Print accounts receivable aging report Purge records Open item system Purging Balance forward system Purging and updating in balance forward systems
Balance Forward Systems for Other Accounting Modules General ledger Bank statement
Other Types of Revenue Cycles Cash and carry Credit card sales
K E Y T E R M S Accounts receivable aging report Balance forward system Bill of lading Cash and carry system Cash receipts journal Open item system
K E Y T E R M S Packing slip Picking ticket Remittance advice Remittance list Sales invoice Sales journal