Fast Texture Synthesis using Tree-structured Vector Quantization Li-Yi Wei Marc Levoy Computer Graphics Group Stanford University
Introduction Texture Synthesis Input Result
Desirable Properties Result looks like the input Efficient General Easy to use Extensible
Previous Work Procedural Synthesis –Perlin 85, Witkin 91, Worley 96 Statistical Feature Matching –Heeger 95, De Bonet 97, Simoncelli 98 Markov Random Fields –Popat 93, Efros 99
Outline Basic algorithm Multi-resolution algorithm Acceleration Applications
Texture Model Textures are –local –stationary Model textures by –local spatial neighborhoods
Basic Algorithm Exhaustively search neighborhoods
Neighborhood Use causal neighborhoods CausalNon-causal Input Noise
Neighborhood Neighborhood size determines the quality & cost 333355557777 9999 11 1141 s528 s 739 s 1020 s1445 s s
Multi-resolution Pyramid High resolutionLow resolution
Multi-resolution Algorithm
Benefit Better image quality & faster computation 1 level 5 5 3 levels 5 5 1 level 11 11
Results Random Oriented RegularSemi-regular
Failures Non-planar structures Global information
Comparison Heeger 95De Bonet 97Efros 99Our method Input 1941 secs 503 secs 12 secs
Acceleration Computation bottleneck: neighborhood search
Nearest Point Search Treat neighborhoods as high dimensional points Neighborhood High dimensional point/vector
Acceleration Nearest point search in high dimensions –[Nene 97] Cluster-based model for textures –[Popat 93] Tree-structured Vector Quantization –[Gersho 92]
Tree-structured Vector Quantization
Timing Time complexity : O(log N) instead of O(N) –2 orders of magnitude speedup for non-trivial images 1941 secs503 secs12 secs Efros 99Full searchingTSVQ
Results: Brodatz Textures InputExhaustive: 360 secsTSVQ: 7.5 secs D103 D20
Application 1: Constrained Synthesis ?
Possible Solution Multi-resolution blending [Burt & Adelson 83] –produce visible boundaries
Possible Solution Original raster-scan algorithm –discontinuities at right and bottom boundaries
Possible Solution Adaptive neighborhoods [Efros 99] –Hard to accelerate
Modifications Need to use a single symmetric neighborhood 2 pass algorithm with extrapolation Spiral order synthesis
Result Extrapolation ? ? ? ?
Result Image editing by texture replacement
Application 2: Temporal Texture Indeterminate motions both in space and time –fire, smoke, ocean waves How to synthesize? –extend our 2D algorithm to 3D
Temporal Texture FireSmokeWaves Input Result
Future Work More general “textures” –light fields, solid textures –motion signals –displacement maps Real time texture synthesis
Acknowledgment Kris Popat Alyosha Efros Stanford Graphics Group Intel, Interval, Sony More information