SPCD 524 Advocacy & Empowerment Thursday, August 30, 2007
PaulRichardVickie SharonSabinaGeorge SandraDianeDolores JodiGalyaneeBryan Veronica C.Veronica G.Jennifer Groups for this Week
Small Group Work Work in your small groups to complete the tasks assigned. You’ll be teaching your classmates about 3 essential components of self-determination and helping us all begin to make the leap from theory to practice; that is, how can we as educators structure our classrooms and instruction to assist students in developing each of these component skills.
Development of the Disability Rights & Self-Advocacy Movement Civil Rights struggle Sweden 1960s –Dr. Bengt Nirje, director of the Swedish Association for Persons with Mental Retardation, –Swedish Parents' Association organized conference for young adults UK: 1972 National Conference Canada: 1973 National Conference People First was created: 1974 "I want to be known as a person first!"People First
Relevant Legislation Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and 1992 P.L and its reauthorizations and Amendments up to IDEA 2004 Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill or Rights Act and its Amendments Olmstead vs. L. C. (1999)
Normalization Principle Use of culturally valued means to enable people to live culturally valued lives Use of culturally normative means to allow people lives at least as good as average citizen Use of means that are culturally normative as possible
Implications of Normalization Principle A normal rhythm of day A normal routine of life Experiencing the normal rhythm of the year Opportunity to undergo normal developmental experiences of the life cycle Having ones’ choices, wishes, and desires taken into consideration and respected Living in a bisexual world Normal economic standards Same physical facility standards as those regularly applied in society to facilities for individuals without disabilities
Competency Model Look at people first, rather than disability or label Presume competence Support person’s autonomy
“Disability is a natural part of the human experience...” 1992 Amendments to the Rehabilitation Act [Sec. 2 (a) (3)(A-F)]
Inclusion Physical inclusion Social inclusion Access to the general education curriculum Participating member of ones’ community
Self-determination Acting as the primary causal agent in one’s life and making choices and decisions free from undue external influences or interference. (Wehmeyer, 1996) Self-determined behavior refers to volitional actions that enable one to act as the primary causal agent in one’s life and to maintain or improve one’s quality of life. (Wehmeyer, 2005)
Causal agency “... it is the individual who makes or causes things to happen in his or her life” (Wehmeyer, p. 47 –One “who makes or causes things to happen in his or her own life” (p. 48) –Act “with intent” Example of causal agency: &sourceid=zeitgeistvideo.google.com/videoplay?docid= &sourceid=zeitgeist
Meet at NM Center for Self- Advocacy – bring snacks to share! Reflection #2 due next week: –Test et al. & Price et al. For Next Week (9/6)