Geographic Information Systems (GIS) A Tool for Project Based Learning Summer Institute 2005
Problem Based Learning Technology and the Study of Wildfire: Middle School Students Study the Impacts of Wildfire Debra Fox-Gliessman, M.A. and Joseph J. Kerski, Ph.D.
What is a GIS? Computer hardware and software used to: –Analyze information –Create maps –Model real-world problems –Share geographic knowledge G eographic I nformation S ystem
How Does a GIS Operate? Geographic information (where things are) Courtesy of Descriptive information (what things are) A “Digital Map” layer + Each layer in a digital map represents a different subject
Why Use a GIS? Map feature locations: –Earthquake hazards Study quantities –Incidence of childhood disease Courtesy of ESRI’s
Why Use a GIS? (cont.) Map concentrations –Population density by country Determine what is inside –Criminal arrests within 1,000 feet of school Courtesy of ESRI’s
Why Use a GIS? (cont.) Study nearby features –Flood risk near settlements Map change over time –Vegetation changes due to urbanization Courtesy of ESRI’s
GIS: A Powerful Technology Courtesy of ESRI’s