Skin manifestations of Diabetes (2006) Dr.Amal Kokandi MB BCh, MSc, MD
Folliculitis Infections Bacterial infections
Carbuncle Infections Bacterial infections
Tinea pedis Infections Fungal infections Tinea corporis
Conditions associated with insulin resistance Acanthosis nigricans
Conditions linked to Diabetes Vitiligo
Scleredema Adultorum, or Scleredema Adultorum of Buschke, Or Scleredema Diabeticorum,or Scleredema Diabeticorum of Buschke. Conditions linked to Diabetes
Problems associated with decreased blood supply to the skin Atherosclerosis
Problems associated with decreased blood supply to the skin Diabetic dermopathy
Problems associated with decreased blood supply to the skin Digital sclerosis
Conditions associated with treatments Lipoatriphy/ lipohypertrophy
Conditions associated with treatments Drug eruptions Urticaria, morbilliform, fixed drug eruption, erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson, and TEN Morbiliform reaction
Others Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum
Others Disseminated granuloma annulare
Others Diabetic blisters (buullosis diabeticorum)
Others Eruptive xanthomas
Others Itching