Map of Austria
Vienna/ Wein German is the language spoken. The Euro is their currency. 1 Euro = $1.17 US.
Public Holidays New Year's DayJanuary 1 EpiphanyJanuary 6 Easter Monday17 Mar Labour DayMay 1 Ascension DayMay 5 Whit MondayMay 16 Corpus ChristiMay 26 Assumption of the VirginAugust 15 National HolidayOctober 26 All Saints' DayNovember 1 Immaculate ConceptionDecember 8 Christmas DayDecember 25 St. Stephen's DayDecember 26
Stephansdom (St. Stephen's Cathedral)
Shopping in Austria Shops generally open at 8am or 9am and close at 6pm, many with a two hour lunch break, Monday through Friday. In large cities, some stores open until 7pm or later. Some supermarkets open until 7pm. On Saturdays, most shops open until 5pm.
Melk Abbey
Salzburg Salzburg is the home of Mozart. Hitler’s Hide Away is also located is OberSalzburg.
Habsburg Palace Hitler gave a famous speech about the union between Germany and Austria March 12 th Before After
GrossClockner (Austrian Alps)