Introduction Analysis and applications of remote sensing imagery Instructor: Dr. Cheng-Chien LiuCheng-Chien Liu Department of Earth Sciences National Cheng Kung University Last updated: 15 June 2015 Chapter 0
Syllabus Course name: Analysis and applications of remote sensing imagery Credit: 3 Prerequisite: Graduate students Undergraduate students of the third or four year Introduction to remote sensing Digital image processing Time: Tuesday 8:10 – 10:00 Wednesday 13:10 – 14:00 Place: Room 201, Building of Computer Center Teaching Assistant: Conifer Chang
Objectives Introduce students The fundamental concepts of Analysis and applications of remote sensing imagery The training in a commercial software (ENVI) of digital image processing Students will learn The techniques of enhancement and quantification of digital imagery acquired by remote sensing Students are expected Design and implement a practical project using techniques/knowledge learned from this course
Textbook Remote sensing and image interpretation, 5th edition, T.M. Lillesand, R.W. Kiefer and J.W. Chipman. John Wiley & Sons, 2004 偉明代理(成大圖書部可代訂) ENVI Tutorials, 2003 edition, Research System Inc, 2003.
References Remote sensing, models, and methods for image processing, Robert A. Schowengerdt, second edition, San Diego, Academic Press, Introductory Digital Image Processing: A Remote Sensing Perspective, John R. Jensen, second edition, Prentice Hall, 1995.
Schedule Introduction Reading images Image rectification Image restoration Image enhancement Image classification Data merging GIS integration Hyperspectral image analysis
Some questions Who am I? Why are we here? You and I, … Why exams? Acquire knowledge, … Why taking lectures? Save time and efforts, … Why Lab evaluation? Keep on the right track, …
Responses Lecture notes on web Three ways to be master of AARSI Practice Strategy 10 min on-site test every week On-site (mid-term and final) exams Monitoring student’s progress and grade On-line report everybody’s grade every week
Grade Weekly on-site exams 60% Term project 40% Base on at least one SCI paper A short essay
Office hours Monday: 14:00 – 17:00 Wednesday: 15:00 – 17:00 Friday: TGIF party Anytime if necessary
Some issues Representative Textbook Name, Student ID number, Department/Year, Cell phone number, address, (advisor’s name) Introduce yourself Why take this course Background (computing) Research interests Accessible computer resources
Getting start with ENVI Install ENVI Temporal license ######## EVALUATION LICENSE INFO ######## Product: ENVI+IDL 4.0 Expiration: 18-Mar-2005 Key: 761E504EA8774A ########### END LICENSE INFO ############ Demo CDs Start ENVI Data location Tutorial data location: C:\RSI\envidata FTP site: enviprog Load a gray scale image
Getting start with ENVI (cont.) Display Scroll window Image window Zoom window Some helps Window Finder Display Information Resize Preference Smooth Style
Getting start with ENVI (cont.) Mouse control Three-button mouse Symbol boxes “+” box: left, middle, right button “-” box: left, middle, right button “ ” box: left, middle, right button The meta scroll window Middle button Mouse button description Summary
Getting start with ENVI (cont.) Main image display menu bar Profile Sharpening Auto placement off Preference Window style Subset Spatial Spectral On-line help
Getting start with ENVI (cont.) ENVI configuration Preference Cache size setting Changing default directory Closing files
Self Test Setup your ENVI preference Data directory: (envidata directory) Output directory: (your personal directory) Display style: as next page Open file Enable cross-hair in zoom and image window
Batch mode ENVI Why batch mode Initiating batch mode envi, /restore_base_save_files envi_batch_init envi_select Envi_batch_exit Online help class_doit, envi_doit Common keywords Example program
Batch mode ENVI (cont.) Opening envi files in batch mode $ and & filename = envi_pickfile(title = 'open boulder data') help, filename envi_open_file,filename, r_fid=bldr_fid Envi_select, dims=bldr_dims, fid=bldr_fid2, pos=bldr_pos, title=‘select BoulderTM’ print, ‘dims =‘,bldr_dims & ‘pos = ‘, bldr_pos Try spatially and spectrally subset envi_file_mng, id = bldr_fid, /remove Open_ids = envi_get_file_ids() Print, open_ids
Batch mode ENVI (cont.) Collecting info from the ENVI header file = envi_pickfile() envi_open_file, file, r_fid = fid_cup envi_file_query, fid_cup, ns=ns, nl=nl, nb=nb, data_type=dt, interleave=inter, fname=fname, sname=sname, bnames=bnames, wl=wavelengths, file_type=ft Nir_bands = where(wavelengths ge 2.20 and wavelengths lt 2.25, count) print, bnames[nir_bands] dims = [-1L, 0, ns-1, 0, nl-1] pos = nir_bands
Batch mode ENVI (cont.) Reading the Cuprite AVIRIS data band193 = envi_get_data(fid=fid_cup, dims=dims, pos=pos[0]) help, band193 window, /free, xsize=ns, ysize=nl Tvscl, band193
Self Test Write an IDL pro file to Open the file ‘bhtmref.img’ Locate the band between 0.6 and 0.7 m Show the band in a new window NDVI = (NIR – Red) / (NIR + Red), show the result of NDVI in a new window