Another Astro- News X-Ray Source SCO X-1 as a TNO Occultation Survey Target Pingshien 051201.


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Presentation transcript:

Another Astro- News X-Ray Source SCO X-1 as a TNO Occultation Survey Target Pingshien

Outline Occultation RXTE and SCO X-1 Analyze Results Problem Future work


RXTE Source Total(cts/ s) <3.25keV<4.25keV<5.75keV<8.75keV <12.25ke V Sco X Crab Cyg X A The instrumental properties of the PCA : Energy range : 2-60KeV Energy resolution : < 18% at 6 KeV Time resolution : 1 microsec Spatial resolution : collimator with 1 degree FWHM Collecting area : 7000 square cm

SCO X-1 Sco X-1, the first cosmic X-ray source (other than the Sun) ever detected, was discovered on June 18, RA,DEC : , (J2000) Distance: kpc Orbital period: 18.9 hr Inclination angle: 40 o +- 6 o Luminosity: 2.3 X ergs s -1 Mass: 1.4M and 0.42M

PrNb Date_Star t Date_endTime(s)Use-PCA-ModeFind Event /05/ /05/ B_125US_1M_0_87_H /05/ /05/ B_125US_1M_0_87_H3 1997/03/ B_125US_1M_0_87_H4 1998/01/ B_125US_1M_0_87_H /04/ /04/ B_250US_2A_0_49_H /01/ /01/ B_250US_2A_0_49_H /08/ /08/ B_250US_2A_0_49_H1 1997/08/ B_250US_2A_0_49_H /05/ /06/ B_250US_2A_0_49_H7 1999/01/ B_250US_2A_0_49_H /01/ /01/ B_250US_2A_0_49_H /01/ /01/ B_125US_1M_0_87_H /06/ /06/ B_250US_2A_0_49_H /03/ B_250US_1M_0_249_ H /05/ /05/ B_250US_1M_0_249_ H /05/ B_250US_2A_8_39_H RXTE Data I use


Observation Analyse and Simulation

47 Found Event

EventIDTimeSignificanceEventIDTimeSignificance ms-event : 10 2ms-event : 36 5ms-event : 1

Event with Time

PrNb Date_Star t Date_endTime(s)Use-PCA-ModeFind Event /05/ /05/ B_125US_1M_0_87_H /05/ /05/ B_125US_1M_0_87_H3 1997/03/ B_125US_1M_0_87_H4 1998/01/ B_125US_1M_0_87_H /04/ /04/ B_250US_2A_0_49_H /01/ /01/ B_250US_2A_0_49_H /08/ /08/ B_250US_2A_0_49_H1 1997/08/ B_250US_2A_0_49_H /05/ /06/ B_250US_2A_0_49_H7 1999/01/ B_250US_2A_0_49_H /01/ /01/ B_250US_2A_0_49_H /01/ /01/ B_125US_1M_0_87_H /06/ /06/ B_250US_2A_0_49_H /03/ B_250US_1M_0_249_ H /05/ /05/ B_250US_1M_0_249_ H /05/ B_250US_2A_8_39_H







Problem? What makes the lightcurves drop? Instrument Problem? KBO? OR Other? If the events are ture occultation, the objects maybe the any objects between Earth and SCO X-1, can we understand them? Do the shapes of lightcurve drops have any relation?

Future Work ? Work Hard ! Thanks….. ……….. be continued