Transportation Planning CE 573 Lecture 5
Topics Data collection Statistics review Project discussion
Measurement Locations/Times Cordon Screen line Isolated point Peak Off-peak Days of week Days of year
Sample Size Mean Standard deviation Sample size Confidence level Population size
Sample Method Simple random Stratified random
Instrument Survey questions Recording media/device
Personnel Work shifts Individual capabilities Communications
Discussion of project Task1: Goals Healthy and equitable Cost efficient Efficient land usage
Discussion of project Task 2: Define indicators –Healthy and equitable Health and fitness survey data (1) Transport diversity traffic data(2) Mode split survey data (3) Mobility for non-drivers survey data (1) –Cost efficient Consumer transport costs survey data (2) Market principles U of I facilities admin (3) Facility costs U of I facilities admin (1) Commute speed survey data (2) –Efficient land usage Land use impacts Aerial photos (3) Land use mix Moscow land use zoning map (1) Land use accessibility Moscow land use zoning map (2) Commute speed survey data (3)
Discussion of project Task 3: Describe data for indicators Group 1Group 2Group 3 Health and fitnessTransport diversityMode split Mobility for non-driversConsumer transport costsMarket principles Facility costsCommute speedLand use impacts Land use mixLand use accessibilityCommute speed
Discussion of project Task 4: Design the data collection plan
Assignments Review statistics notes posted on class web page Homework 3
Assignments Review statistics notes posted on class web page Homework 3 Due 9/5