Grupo de Ingeniería de Servicios Telemáticos Telematic Services Engineering Group Role of Multiagent System on Minimalist Infrastructure for Service Provisioning in Ad-Hoc Networks for Emergencies Juan R. Velasco, Miguel A. López-Carmona, Marifeli Sedano, Mercedes Garijo, David Larrabeiti, María Calderón
Spanish I+D+i funding Technical University of Madrid, University Carlos III of Madrid and University of Alcalá Minimalist Infrastructure for the provision of services in ad-hoc networks Provision of services in scenarios lacking a fixed communications infrastructure Cooperation of humans and electronic devices (computers, sensors/actors, robots, intelligent nodes, etc) is paramount. Emergency management in catastrophes Forest fire Terrorist attack Earthquake IMPROVISA Project
Ad-hoc networks IMPROVISA Project Volunteer Fire fighters Team Fire fighters Team HOSPITAL Ambulance Hospital Police Civil services Emergency 112 Fire fighters Chief Watch Tower Ad-hoc Network Data lines Police
IMPROVISA main domains Intelligent routing Security Ad-hoc semantic network Multilayer-multipath video distribution IMPROVISA Project
Intelligent Routing Sending messages between non-interconnected ad- hoc networks IMPROVISA Agents
Security Ad-hoc networks are more vulnerable than wired networks Wireless technology Open and dynamically changing topology Lack of centralized control points Special risks in emergency-support scenarios Main concerns: key distribution and intrusion detection Traditional centralized approaches not applicable Need a highly decentralized, autonomous and adaptive solution Agent-based security framework (confidentiality, authentication...) Agent- based cooperative IDS IMPROVISA Agents
An ad-hoc semantic network Agent-based intelligent level to support an ad-hoc semantic network Devices that form an ad-hoc network (personal devices, car PCs, etc.) need to discover services Water level, free beds at hospital, oxygen, etc. With one or more UDDIs in the network Distributed service location With no UDDI Agent context knowledge IMPROVISA Agents
Multilayer-multipath video distribution Video images need to be transmitted We will use a multilayer-multipath approach Video information is divided in layers Not all layers are needed Different layers travel through different paths Multi-agent systems may be used to support path decision IMPROVISA Agents
Conclusions We propose the use of ad-hoc networks, formed by personal devices, car PC’s… and some fixed lines to contact external services (hospital, police headquarters, etc.) Multi-agent systems will be used to provide most of the main needs of the project Intelligent information routing Security Service discovery Video transmision IMPROVISA Project
Grupo de Ingeniería de Servicios Telemáticos Telematic Services Engineering Group Role of Multiagent System on Minimalist Infrastructure for Service Provisioning in Ad-Hoc Networks for Emergencies Miguel A. López-Carmona