©John Wiley & Sons, Inc CHAPTER 9 Life Span Development I PowerPoint Lecture Notes Presentation
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Lecture Overview Studying Development Physical Development Cognitive Development Social-Emotional Development
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Studying Development Developmental Psychology: Studies age-related changes in behavior & mental processes from conception to death
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2010
Studying Development– Key Theoretical Debates Nature vs. Nurture: Heredity vs. environment Continuity vs. Stages: Continuous & gradual vs. periods of abrupt change followed by periods of little change Stability vs. Change: Characteristics maintained vs. characteristics vary over time
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Studying Development (Continued) Social What position on these three debates is most correct? Most psychologists support the interactionist perspective, which recently evolved into the biopsychosocial model. Psychological Biological
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Pause & Reflect: Critical Thinking Behaviorist John Watson said: “Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, & my own specified world to bring them up in, & I'll guarantee to take anyone at random & train them to become any type of specialist I might select-- doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief, &, yes, even beggar man & thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, & race of his ancestors." (Boakes, 1984, pp. 226) Do you agree? Why or why not?
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Studying Development— Research Methods
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Studying Development— Research Methods
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Cultural Guidelines for Developmental Research Culture may be the most important determinant. Development cannot be studied outside its sociocultural context. Each culture’s ethnotheories are important determinants. Culture is largely invisible to participants.
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Pause & Reflect: Assessment 1. Can you briefly describe the three key areas of debate in developmental psychology? 2. What are the key differences between cross-sectional & longitudinal research?
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Physical Development— The Moment of Conception
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Physical Development— Three Stages of Prenatal Development 1. Germinal Period: Conception to uterine implantation 2. Embryonic Period: Uterine implantation through the eighth week 3. Fetal Period: Eighth week until birth
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Physical Development— Three Stages of Prenatal Development
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Physical Development— Hazards to Prenatal Development Teratogens: Environmental agents that cause damage during prenatal development Categories of teratogens: – Legal & illegal drugs – Diseases & malnutrition – Exposure to X-rays & stress
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Physical Development— Hazards to Prenatal Development
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Physical Development— Early Childhood Three key areas of early childhood development: Brain Motor Sensory/perceptual
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc n Physical Development— Prenatal Brain Development
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Physical Development— Brain Development As a child develops, his or her neurons grow in size & the number of dendrites & axons increase.
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Physical Development- Lifespan Changes in Body Proportions
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Physical Development—Early Childhood Milestones in motor development
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Physical Development— Sensory & Perceptual Development Smell, taste, touch, & hearing are well developed at birth. Vision is poorly developed at birth.
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Physical Development— Adolescence & Puberty
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Physical Development- Adulthood Middle Age: Female Menopause Male Climacteric Late Adulthood: Primary Aging: gradual, inevitable changes versus age changes due to disease, disuse, or neglect
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Pause & Reflect: Assessment 1. _____ are environmental agents that may lead to birth defects. 2. The senses of _____, ______, _____, & _____ are all well developed at birth.
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Cognitive Development Jean Piaget believed infants begin at a cognitively “primitive” level & progress in distinct stages. Piaget’s schemas are the most basic unit of intellect, which act as patterns that organize interactions with the environment.
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Cognitive Development (Continued) Schemas grow & change due to: Assimilation: Absorbing new information into existing schemas Accommodation: Adjusting old schemas or developing new ones to better fit with new information
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Cognitive Development (Continued) Can you draw this “impossible figure”? If not, it’s likely that you have not developed the required artistic schema.
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Cognitive Development— Piaget’s Four Stages Sensorimotor: Birth-2 years Preoperational: 2-7 years Concrete Operational: 7-11 years Formal Operational: 11 years & up
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2010
Assessing Piaget’s Theory— Two Major Criticisms 1. Underestimated abilities (e.g., newborns can imitate facial expressions) 2. Underestimated genetic & cultural influences
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Pause & Reflect: Assessment 1. _____ act as patterns that organize interactions with the environment. 2. Assimilation occurs when _____, whereas accommodation involves _____.
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Social-Emotional Development Social Development Attachment: Strong affectional bond with special others that endures over time Harlow’s work with monkeys--feeding or contact comfort?
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Social-Emotional Development— Three Levels of Attachment Ainsworth’s strange situation procedure identified three types of attachment in children: 1.Securely Attached Child stays close to mother, shows moderate distress when separated, & is happy when mother returns.
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Avoidant: Child treats mother & stranger the same & rarely cries when mother leaves. 3.Anxious/Ambivalent: Child is upset when mother leaves. When mother returns, child seeks closeness, but also squirms away. Three Levels of Attachment (Continued)
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Pause & Reflect: Psychology at Work Research suggests the attachment patterns we develop as infants may carry over into similar patterns in our adult romantic relationships.
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Social-Emotional Development— Baumrind’s Three Parenting Styles 1. Permissive (Permissive- Neglectful & Permissive- Indulgent) 2. Authoritarian 3. Authoritative Identified by degree of control/demandingness (C) & warmth/ responsiveness (W)
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Social-Emotional Development— Baumrind’s Three Parenting Styles 1. Permissive a. Permissive-Neglectful Few limits or control (Lo C), little warmth or responsiveness (Lo W) b. Permissive-Indulgent Few limits or control (Lo C), high warmth & responsiveness (Hi W)
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Baumrind’s Three Parenting Styles (Continued) 2. Authoritarian Highly controlling (Hi C), little warmth or responsiveness (Lo W) 3. Authoritative Set & enforce firm limits (Hi C), high warmth or responsiveness (Hi W) Study Tip: Two “Rs” in AuthoRitaRian = “Rigid Ruler!” Two “Ts” in AuThoriTative = “Tender Teacher!”
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc Pause & Reflect: Critical Thinking Chapter 9 offers numerous tips & helpful insights regarding parenting & life span development. How might you use this information in your career or within your own family?
©John Wiley & Sons, Inc End of CHAPTER 9 Life Span Development I PowerPoint Lecture Notes Presentation