AMS-02 tracker mechanics status of assembly and integration Inner tracker integration completion: - Assembly and cabling - Temperature and magnetic field.


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Presentation transcript:

AMS-02 tracker mechanics status of assembly and integration Inner tracker integration completion: - Assembly and cabling - Temperature and magnetic field sensors - Shells closing and flanges mounting - Tooling Preparations for pre-integration: - Test of evaporators (cooling loops) integration + tools - Pre-assembly of outer planes with inner tracker + tools - Cabling issues studies - Jigs for transport and storage at CERN - Tracker configuration for LBBX (TAS) mounting - Integration sequence - Issues to be solved Divic RAPIN, UniGe AMS TIM July 2007

General view of Silicon tracker 5 planes, 8 layers Plane 1, layer 1 Plane 2, layers 2&3 Plane 3, layers 4&5 Plane 4, layers 6&7 Plane 5, layer ladder modules 1024 electronic channel/module  200’000 channels Planes are supported by shells and conical flanges. (not shown)

Ladder Assembly (Perugia-Geneva) ASSEMBLY ~ 210 ladders build PHASE 2 hybrid box & legs gluing EMI SHIELDING ( kapton foil wrapping) Full test at each step with RA source and noise control

Installation of ladders on support planes (UniGe clean room) Plane 3 being stored (under Nitrogen) Details of fixation on both sides

Assembly of the inner tracker in the Durga jig Set-up for storage & insertion into the magnet. Cables must be installed before the supporting shells and extra length must be attached to temporary supports.

Tracker with cables but without closing and supporting shells Temporary storage of cables 384 flat cables from ladders to electronics

Temperature (Dallas) and B-field sensors have been tested before closing of the inner tracker (A.Lebedev and U.Roeser) B-field sensor T-sensors

Closing inner tracker and disconnection from Durga jig

Removing inner tracker from Durga assembly jig

Complete installation and assembly jig Outer ring assembly and installation jig Inner ring assembly and installation jig Cooling loops are fragile and not self supporting. They need to be kept in jigs for fabrication, storage, transport and assembly Tests of integration of cooling loops on outer plane (1) and on inner tracker (top)

Outer cooling loop on plane 1 Jigs and support pieces were developed in order to manipulate the plane and to install cables and cooling loop at the same time

Test integration of the inner cooling loop

Real life will be less easy due to dimensions of vacuum tank

Test integration of the inner cooling loop

It fits perfectly

Test integration of outer plane on inner tracker (with loops) Jig for cable storage and crane manipulation of outer planes (compatible with loop)

Test integration of outer plane on inner tracker (with loops) Guiding spacers to prevent damaging contacts between ladders and conical flange during approach of the outer plane. Device allowing safe and precise approach of the outer plane for the last 25 mm.

Study of cabling related issues Star tracker support region Tracker feet regions

Inner tracker support for storage and transportation (AMS01 test beam frame) The present state of the tracker (no loops, both outer planes mounted) is convenient for LBBX (TAS) adjustment and installation. (not for transportation) Tracker feet regions

TRACKER (MECHANICAL) INTEGRATION SEQUENCE (simplified) -Sequence dictated by topology -Up or upside down position not specified hereafter

Start: four separate boxes Two outer planes with: - cables, loop, LBBX+fibers Inner tracker with: - cables, upper inner loop Lower inner loop

Step 1: insertion (lower flange removed)

Step 2: four upper feet installation Next: prepare lower conical flange

Step 3: lower conical flange installation

Step 4: four lower feet installation After this operation, tracker and vacuum case can be rotated

Step 5: unfold and secure cables (and remove supports) Prepare lower inner loop From this step, TOP and BOTTOM operations are independent

Step 6: Install lower inner loop Next: outer planes

Step 6: Install outer plane (connect loops)

Step 7: unfold and secure cables (and remove supports)  Connect to crates

Next operations and open issues Cooling loop modification + new connectors (Splinter meeting this TIM) VC metrology (Splinter meeting this TIM ) Balcony design (already started by F.Cadoux) and production (TBD). Detailed cable routing (in progress) LBBX installation (WW during August). Containers for outer planes and covers for inner tracker frame (UniGe) Outer planes: Installation of cooling loop, cables and test (UneGe Light tightness (UniGe) Revision and completion of detailed procedures (E.P. and D.R.)

Near future integration operations at UniGe Design of storage and transport jigs for inner tracker and outer planes (re-use of Alu frame used for AMS01 beam test) (in progress) Design and construction of outer plane installation jig. Supporting shells installation and remove inner tracker from Durga. Pre-assembly of inner evaporator on inner tracker (check mountability). Pre-assembly of outer planes (check mountability) on inner tracker. Time requested by TAS for laser beam alignment/installation. Orbital welding of new connectors is needed for upper/lower inner/outer evaporators (on critical path) Conclusion of the April 2007 TIM presentation of D.R.