CE1 week 3 Vocabulary Jobs
Homework: Sketch Engine Go to –Sign up for a 30 day Sketch Engine account –Experiment (play!) with the Chinese and English corpora that you will find there –Choose any word in Chinese or English, and generate a concordance for that word Send an to –Choose a suitable title –Explain, in your message, why you chose that word –Explain what you learn from the concordance –Attach a copy of your concordance to your
addresses My addresses: Please use the right address
Written work On the outside of your exercise book: –Your name in English or Pinyin –Your name in Chinese –Your student number –Your major At the top of each page –Your name in English or Pinyin If you use an exercise book, hand in the whole book If you use file paper, hand in the paper –Don’t forget to put the work in your file, and keep it safe
correction task The English name of 政大 can be –NCCU –National Chengchi University –Chengchi University –Zheng Da Paragraph indent I’m a student from Malaysia. Right now,… Yue Ying Hwang: OK means a spacing problem
News homework Look at your news every day This week, there will be a surprise task, related to the news s 1a. Please say which news sections you signed up for (Asia Pacific? Sport? Business?), and why. 1b. Please say why you chose your service. 2. What was the most interesting news story you read this week? Re-tell the story to your group.
Online study 1. –Set up an account –Use it at home, or at the 外文中心 self-study center –The access number is in your book –Course key E-3KXX4GRKM8X5J 2.Take part in the 外文中心 self-study program (details on the next slide)
If you want to go, me and cc subject: pre-test sign-up 中心擬於 10 月 6 日針對參加補救教學之學生進行期初測驗。 期初測驗時間為【 10 : : 00 】, 地點定於【國際大樓 3 樓語視教室】。 測驗以多益測驗之文法與寫作為主, 每人有一小時的測驗時間, 同學應於 13 : 00 前抵達測驗地點。 學生於線上補救教學課程之表現及成績, 佔學期總成績的 10 %, 另學生之上網狀況, 也會一個月寄報表供老師參考。
Vocabulary learning tips, page 7 I prefer word webs like this Example sentences collocations 收集 collect Word family
Word webs Use your vocabulary notebook Make a word web for “collect” Make word webs for all the unfamiliar words in the Anita Roddick article Be sure to include “ploy” and “ulterior” Example sentences from –The article –You –Word sketch and concordance Please finish this at home