Verbal Communication 1 Focus Questions What is the relationship between language and thought? How do labels affect meaning? What are the implications of recognizing that language is a process? How do rules guide communication? How does punctuation influence the meaning of communication?
Verbal Communication 2 Language and Meaning Language (words) in the human world Features of Language (Symbols) Arbitrary Not intrinsically connected to what is represented; no natural relationship Commonly shared & used in a society; meaning changes over time Ambiguous No precise, clear-cut meanings; within a range of meaning but with degrees of uncertainty Specific to contexts, individual experience; relationships Abstract Not concrete or tangible Various abstractness (degrees away from external, objective phenomenon) e.g, “reading matter” 讀物
Verbal Communication 3 Symbols and Meaning Ladder of Abstraction (Korzybski & Hayakawa) Steps away from observed phenomenon See Figure 4.1 (page 103) Overgeneralization General language to describe groups of people Perceptions (recall) consistent with labels used Labels predispose selective perception
Verbal Communication 4 “Cow” 抽象化階梯 Cow: not the word, but the object experience “ Bessie ” : the name we give to the object (cow) Cow: common characteristics; not peculiar to specific ones Cow: consists of atoms, electronics … etc; scientific reference Livestock: referring to characteristics in common with chicken, goats.. Farm assets: in common with other salable items on the farm Asset: all valuable things Wealth: characteristics of “ Bessie ” are left out
Verbal Communication 5 Principles of Communication Interpretation creates meaning Active, creative process of making sense Process of constructing meaning Brute facts vs. Institutional facts Brute fact: objective, concrete phenomena (e.g., huddling in football) Institutional fact: interpreted meaning of brute fact (players planning the next step) Communication is guided by rules (p. 106: task-to-do) Rule learning through socialization Regulative rules: specify when, how, where… Constitutive rules: define meaning
Verbal Communication 6 Principles of Communication (continued) Punctuation affects meaning Marks a flow of activity into meaning units Determines initiation, interaction, invitation, participation… In personal relationships: demand-withdraw pattern (Figure 4.2, p. 108)
Verbal Communication 7 Symbolic Abilities Language defines phenomena Totalizing: one label represents a person totally; ignoring other aspects Totalizing: spotlighting an aspect; stereotyping: describing with group characteristics Language evaluates phenomena (not neutral) Symbols are loaded with ‘value’ Loaded language Language organizes experiences Categories that we place people
Verbal Communication 8 Symbolic Abilities (2) Language allows hypothetical thinking Visions of the future Language allows self-reflection I : spontaneous, creative self Me: socially conscious self 佛洛依德︰ id 本我 – unconscious & instinctive ego 自我 – between id and superego superego 超我 – of moral and social rules
Verbal Communication 9 Symbolic Abilities (3) Language defines relationships & interaction Three dimensions of relationship-level meaning Responsiveness: question & statements (responses, feedback) Liking: When we say “I care about you.” Power: Establishing control
Verbal Communication 10 Guidelines for Verbal Comm. Engage in person-centered communication Be conscious of levels of abstraction Qualify language Avoid overgeneralization Avoid static evaluation: She ‘is’ selfish Indexing technique: evaluation only applies to specific times, circumstances Own your feelings and thoughts: Claim feelings but not blame others for that You vs. I language (p. 120) (Note: Chinese cultural & syntax differences)