A fuzzy neural network model to forecast the percent cloud coverage and cloud top temperature maps [1] Y. Tulunay, E.T. Şenalp, Ş. Öz, L.I. Dorman, E. Tulunay, S.S. Menteş and M.E. Akçan Correspondence to: August 2007, METU, Ankara, Turkey ISCCP data [2] are used in this work. [1] Tulunay Y., E.T. Şenalp, Ş. Öz, L.I. Dorman, E. Tulunay, S.S. Menteş and M.E. Akçan, A fuzzy neural network model to forecast the percent cloud coverage and cloud top temperature maps, Annales Geophysicae, submitted 2007 [2] ISCCP D2 MONTHLY MEANS AND CLIMATOLOGY web page,
August 2007METU, Ankara, Turkey2 % Video 1. Percent Cloud Coverage (%CC) map variations [1] by using ISCCP data [2] between July 1983 and August 2001 [1] Tulunay Y., E.T. Şenalp, Ş. Öz, L.I. Dorman, E. Tulunay, S.S. Menteş and M.E. Akçan, A fuzzy neural network model to forecast the percent cloud coverage and cloud top temperature maps, Annales Geophysicae, submitted 2007 [2] ISCCP D2 MONTHLY MEANS AND CLIMATOLOGY web page,
August 2007METU, Ankara, Turkey3 K Video 2. Cloud Top Temperature (CTT) map variations by using ISCCP data [1] between July 1983 and August 2001 [1] Tulunay Y., E.T. Şenalp, Ş. Öz, L.I. Dorman, E. Tulunay, S.S. Menteş and M.E. Akçan, A fuzzy neural network model to forecast the percent cloud coverage and cloud top temperature maps, Annales Geophysicae, submitted 2007 [2] ISCCP D2 MONTHLY MEANS AND CLIMATOLOGY web page,
August 2007METU, Ankara, Turkey4 References [1] ISCCP D2 MONTHLY MEANS AND CLIMATOLOGY web page, [2] Tulunay Y., E.T. Şenalp, Ş. Öz, L.I. Dorman, E. Tulunay, S.S. Menteş and M.E. Akçan, A fuzzy neural network model to forecast the percent cloud coverage and cloud top temperature maps, Annales Geophysicae, submitted 2007.