Academic Advisor - Dr. Meir Kelah Technical Advisor - Mr. Roni Stern Members: Shimrit Yacobi Yuval Binenboim Moran Lev Lehman Sharon Shabtai
1.Background 2.Vision 3.Our Goal 4.Use Case 5.System Architecture 6.User interface - Demo of experiment setup 7.User interface - Clients View – During the experiment 8.Technologies Contents
The new age of technology is upon us and it is also affecting our vehicles. The next generation of cars will be controlled by AI computers inside our cars. These computers will run different AI algorithms while driving our cars. Background
The first step to fully automated roads, will be roads in which some cars are controlled by real people and others are controlled by a computer. Our focus will be to help develop AI algorithms that will be able to drive in traffic jams where some drivers are real drivers and others are computer controlled. Vision
Building a simulator that will enable testing of different AI algorithms. In order to make the tests closer to real life, the simulator supports both human agents as well as AI agents. The AI agents should control a car and drive it without making any car accidents in a traffic jam, and should also be able to drive alongside unexpected human behavior. This is done by running different experiments on our simulator and testing the effectiveness of each AI algorithm. Our Goal
Moshe wants to write a computer controlled car, but he doesn’t have a way to test his AI algorithms. Luckily, Moshe can use The Traffic Simulator to test his algorithms
All Moshe has to do is to write his own AI agents, and plug it in to the simulator
System Architecture Agent This module enables a real user or an AI Agent, to drive the car in the experiment. It shows a first person view of the car. Experiment Manager This module enables an admin user to create an experiment. It shows a bird's-eye view of the cars during the experiment. Internet Experiment manager Agent...
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Car controls Camera angles User interface –Overview : Clients View – During the experiment
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