Chapter 2: Ecology
What is Ecology? The study of how organisms interact with each other and the environment Humans have been students of ecology for a long time
Components of Ecology Ecology Includes: Species Interactions Distribution and Abundance of organisms Reactions Adaptation ) ) ) ) ) )
2 Factors Addressed by Ecologists Abiotic (non-living) Biotic Can you think of some examples?
Ecological Niche Theory Niche- An organisms role in its environment Describes when, where, and how a species makes its living.
Classification of Species Interactions Competition Predation Commensalism Mutualism Parasitism
Competition (-,-) = One individual gets resource @ expense of another individual Requirements Limited Resources Types Interspecific Competition Intraspecific Competition
Competitive Exclusion Principle Paramecium caudatum Paramecium aurelia
Competitive Exclusion Principle (Gause 1934) Two species cannot coexist if they occupy the same niche
Is Competitive Exclusion the Only Answer? Resource Partitioning is another option Robert MacArthur MacArthur’s warblers (1958) Left to right: Cape May, Yellow-rumped, Black-throated Green, Blackburnian, and Bay-breasted Warblers. Black areas in stylized conifers show where feeding is concentrated.
Predation (+,-) One organism kills and eats another organism ** Are deer predators? ** Note: this definition is different (better) than the definition in your textbook. Go with this one.
Commensalism (+,0)
Mutualism (+,+)
Parasitism (+,-)
Chapter 20: Ecosystems
What is an Ecosystem?
Food Web
Water Cycle
Carbon Cycle
Climate What causes the existence of different climates? Are the terms “weather” and “climate” synonymous?
Earth’s Shape & Orbit Influence Climate _______________________________________________________________
Wind Patterns _______________________________________________________________
Rain Shadow _______________________________________________________________
Ocean Currents _______________________________________________________________