Activities to Stay Healthy and Live Longer Professor Anne Hiller Scott, PhD, OTR Professor Rebecca States, PhD Associate Dean, William Susman, PhD, PT Interdisciplinary, Community-Based, Health Education for Diverse Elders. HRSA Grant#1 D37 HP
HEALTHY PEOPLE 2010 National program to improve the health of all Americans - to promote healthy behavior & create healthy environments GOALS –Increase number of years of healthy life To help people live longer –Increase Quality of Life Personal sense of physical and mental health
HEALTHY PEOPLE 2010 Leading Causes of Death Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke MOST PREVENTABLE Causes of Death: SMOKING – increases risk of –Heart Disease, Stroke, Lung Cancer, Chronic Lung Disease –During Pregnancy – may cause Miscarriage, premature birth, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), asthma, bronchitis OBESITY – increases risk of –High blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, breathing problems, etc.
LEADING HEALTH INDICATORS –Behaviors that affect the health of individuals, examples… PHYSICAL ACTIVITY –People in the Northeast and South exercise less –Women exercise less than men –People over age 75: 2 in 3 WOMEN have NO regular physical activity 1 in 3 MEN have NO regular physical activity OBESITY –Need to follow diet guidelines, eat healthy, lose weight TOBACCO USE –Affects the smoker and others through second hand smoke –Children and pregnant women are at greatest risk for harm HEALTHY PEOPLE 2010
What YOU Can DO to Stay Healthy! PHYSICAL ACTIVITY (30 Minutes a day) helps prevent: (But ANY exercise is better than NO exercise) –Heart disease –High blood pressure –Obesity – excess weight –Diabetes –Depression – mental disorders EATING RIGHT – LESS is MORE –LESS: Fats, Fried Foods, Starches, Sugar, Salt –MORE: Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Lean Meat, Fish, Grains WEIGHT CONTROL –after 45 years of age people gain more weight –watch the amount you eat - portion size
HEALTHY AGING… What is the key?
MAJORITY of HEALTHY AGING is LIFESTYLE & PREVENTION (Rowe & Kahn, 1998) ♦ IF YOU DON’T USE IT – LOSE IT ♦ CONFIDENCE in Your Abilities to Adapt and Stay Active ♦ ACTIVE PARTICIPATION Work and Play ♦ BEING PRODUCTIVE Volunteer Work/Work, Caregiving
HEALTHY AGING (Rowe & Kahn, ‘98) ♦ SOCIAL SUPPPORT Family, Friends, Community ♦ MENTAL ACTIVITY Reading, Puzzles, Games ♦ PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Walk, Dance, Swim, Gardening, Senior Exercise Tapes, Stair Climbing, Mall Walking ♦ DIET and SUPPLEMENTS
PETS: Best Friend Dogs are lifesavers People who had heart attacks: Lived longer if they had a pet – WHY? Reduces Stress and Blood Pressure Companion Care Exercise
TAI CHI: A Gentle Martial Art Research Findings: Better Balance Less Falls Increased Movement Lower Blood Pressure Lower Stress Better Breathing
RANGE OF MOTION–ROM DANCE: Tai Chi, Music & Relaxation Harlowe & Yu 1984, 1997 Occupational Therapy Program to: Increase Movement Reduce Pain Reduce Stress Research Studies – helps with Arthritis and other illnesses Chronic Pain & Fatigue Depression 7 Minute Videotape: Commercially available or
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY: Extends QUALITY of LIFE in well elderly Journal American Med. Assoc. JAMA: 1997, 278, OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY helps people keep doing everyday activities that are important in their lives OCCUPATION means ALL ACTIVITIES or TASKS that OCCUPY you in a day, the Skills for the Job of Living: –Self-care Eating, Cooking, Dressing, Grooming, Housework –Caregiving –Social Activity –Leisure/Recreational Activity –Work/Volunteer Work –Physical & Mental Tasks Staying active at home and participating in the community
Occupational Therapy Research Well Elderly Study JAMA, 1997 Clark, et. al. The value of staying involved and active Participating in activities important to you Overcoming fears – gaining confidence Example: Clara had arthritis and diabetes and lived alone staying mostly in her apartment complex rarely went out due to fear of falling after the OT Lifestyle Redesign Program she finished 1 mile with her walker in the LA Marathon
How do YOU make CHANGES? What are ACTIVITIES you can DO to keep HEALTHY and live LONGER with good QUALITY of LIFE?
How should YOU start to make CHANGES? Identify concrete GOALS for healthy activities Start SMALL – STEP by STEP o You can’t change everything at once! Get SUPPORT o Talk with family and friends o Get information from your health care provider and other resources o Try to include others in your plans- For example start a walking group
Making CHANGES in Your LIFESTYLE Keep Track of Your PROGRESS WHAT activity/change are you trying to accomplish? Break it down into small steps. WHY do you want to make this change? Remember your motivation. DON’T GIVE UP KEEP TRYING YOU ARE WORTH IT YOU CAN DO IT!