EENG449b/Savvides Lec /26/04 February 26, 2004 Prof. Andreas Savvides Spring EENG 449bG/CPSC 439bG Computer Systems Lecture 12 Midterm & Project Review
EENG449b/Savvides Lec /26/04 Mid-term project report Your mid-term project report should report on the current status of your project and should include all technical information and description of your project Should be about 2 pages long, more if required Should be a descriptive report, NOT a bullet list Report counts for 25% of your project grade
EENG449b/Savvides Lec /26/04 What should the report include? 1 paragraph description of your project –This should describe the high level view of the project, and motivate the problem you are working on. It should provide enough information to show that you understand what you are aiming at and should provide a clear view of the expected end result. The second paragraph should provide a complete list of the tools/platforms and software you are using to achieve this goal –If you are using any special hardware, you need to describe what it does and provide part numbers and references to the manufacturers –If you are custom building something, then provide a list of the different components you are using –If you use any special software or microcontrollers, you should include the same information for that as well
EENG449b/Savvides Lec /26/04 What should the report include? Provide an in-depth description of your approach to the problem you are trying to solve –If you are enhancing an OS, you need to motivate your enhancements, include information on the comparisons you did with other operating systems and provide the related references –If you are building hardware, provide a description of your architecture (perhaps a diagram would help) and also describe the software components –This section should provide in depth technical information, rather than just stating what you do in a couple of sentences. –If you are developing an algorithm, provide the details of the algorithm. By this time you should know what you are implementing
EENG449b/Savvides Lec /26/04 What should the report include? The last paragraph of your report the experiences and problems you have encountered so far and your next step –What problems did you come across and how did you solve them? –What are the new things you learned from this work? –Describe what your next step would be.