1 07/07/2009 European Technology Platforms November 2010 Patricia Postigo European Commission DG Research
2 07/07/2009 Rationale lContribute to competitiveness èLisbon goal / Europe 2020 lBoost research performance èERA, 3% target lPositive impact on other Community Policies lConcentrate efforts and address fragmentation
3 07/07/2009 ETPs in practice lStakeholders come together èPublic & private researchers, other. Bridges to national R&D policies through mirror group lDefine a vision and a research agenda èFP7, work programmes, other programmes lAnnual meeting, working groups lPublications, training courses, TT activities lSecretariats, legal status, projection
4 07/07/2009 lConsiderable momentum behind process l36 ETPs (Vision; SRA; implementation) lETPs have strongly influenced FP7 (JTIs - but also priority setting for other collaborative research) lETPs contribute to several other EC initiatives: èLead Market Initiative èStrategic Energy Technology Plan, JTIs, PPPs, EIIs State of play
5 07/07/2009 Funding lSRAs are one source of ideas for FP7 research topics, but: lETP members can only obtain research funds submitting proposals in open calls lNon-research funding for specific activities of ETP secretariats is sometimes possible, also through calls for proposals.
6 07/07/2009 ETPs are not an SME-specific mechanism lSME involvement encouraged where adds value èDirect participation èInvolvement through SME associations èMembership of National Technology Platforms lCommission commitment to SME involvement Participation of SMEs
7 07/07/2009 Implementation by other means lFP7: part of funding, but…. l.. need to mobilise a wide range of public and private funding sources, e.g. èIndustry èNational and regional research programmes (ERA-NET) èStructural funds lRole of European Investment Bank (RSFF: Risk Sharing Finance Facility) Implementing research agendas
8 07/07/2009 Results evaluation study 2009 Conclusions lETPs mobilise large networks, but presence of NGOs, end-users (and SMEs) is small lETP members and stakeholders perceive ETPs as sufficiently open and transparent lStakeholders would like to move to implementation lETP members and stakeholders are satisfied: 93 percent of them would renew their membership
9 07/07/2009 Results evaluation study 2009 lClick to edit Master text styles èSecond level uThird level –Fourth level lFifth level
10 07/07/2009 Follow-up to evaluation study lSetting up of the expert group “Strengthening the role of ETPs in Community policy-making” -to discuss the results and recommendations of the study -to identify possibilities to enhance cooperation between them -to explore ways to contribute to addressing societal challenges lPresentation of recommendations of expert group at ETP conference on 13 October 2009
11 07/07/2009 The ETP Expert Group recommends… lTo cluster ETPs work around societal challenges lTo broaden the membership (all relevant funding agencies and national/regional authorities, end users, NGOs…) lTo enlarge ETP scope to include innovation and education
12 07/07/2009 New approach to ETP networking lFirst event bringing ETP together to discuss research areas in workshops for 4 broad societal challenges: climate change, transport, consumption and production, health – OBJECTIVE: to select sub topics for further debate in May 2010 lFirst event bringing together ETPs and MS representatives – OBJECTIVE: improving linkages and preparing ground for further cooperation lNext event May 2010.
13 07/07/2009 ETP Conference 2010 Context lFeb 2010 new Commission: Europe 2020 lResearch and Innovation come closer. Innovation Partnerships, future plan for Research and Innovation. lFP8 will need to integrate new policy priorities: innovation, grand challenges, simplification- management. lETPs at crossroads: from definition to implementation: JTIs, PPPs, EIIs / other support mechanisms
14 07/07/2009 ETP Conference 2010 Outcome lCross-ETP collaborations already taking place lPossibility focus on grand challenges – need for public authorities to set strategic goals lBecoming active on innovation: standards, market regulation, procurement, access to capital – and IP! lImproved coordination: with national governments, across industrial sectors, across EU initiatives lEuropean SMEs
15 07/07/2009 What will happen next
16 07/07/2009 Thank you for your attention