GLASS INDUSTRY IN CIVIL ENGEENERING PERTEMUAN 08 Matakuliah: S0372 – Kimia Teknik Sipil Tahun: Ganjil 2007/2008
Bina Nusantara GLASS INDUSTRY From chemical facet, glass is aliance various inorganic oxide which do not be volatile, which yielded from dekomposisi and forge of alkali compound and land;ground alkali, sand and also various other compiler so that yield product having random atomic structure. Glass is product yielding perfect vitrifikasi, or at least pregnant product very a few/little materials of nonvitreo in a state of suspension.
Bina Nusantara Chemical Composition Various Example of Glass ( in % )
Bina Nusantara In general commercial glass can be divided to become some faction: 1.Molten silica. Is made to through silicon pirolisis of tetraklorida at high temperature, or from forge of pure sand or kuarsa. This glass have resilience of termal high and can be utilized at higher temperature than other glass. This glass also very transparent to ultraviolet radiation.
Bina Nusantara 2.Alkali Silicate. To making it, molten soda and sand with and its result is referred by silicate natrium, having composition range from Na 2 OSiO 2 to Na 2 O4SiO 2. This pregnant Glass variation of used high alkali to clean as detergen and constructor of soap.
Bina Nusantara 3.Glass Soda - Limestone. This glass represent 95% from all yielded glass. This glass is used to make all kinds of canister, sheet glass, car window or is other, glassware goods and glass. 4.Glass Lead. This glass use lead oxide in the place of oxide calcium in water glass mixture. This glass of vital importance in the field of optic because having refraction index and of dispersi high. This glass is also used in gross to make bulb, neon advertisement lamp, radiotron because having high electrics prisoner.
Bina Nusantara 5.Glass of Borosilikat. Usually contain 10 – 20% B 2 O 3 ; 80 – 87% silica and less than 10% Na 2 O. Is used in furniture of laboratory and to make high voltage isolator, telescope lens pipe. 6.Special Glass. Chromatic glass have, cladding, opal, safety glass, optic glass, and ceramic glass, altogether the including special glass. 7.Glass wool Is made of by special glass composition, holding up to wheater condition. hit by Easy attack dampness of air. Usually have low silica content, around 55%, and low alkali.
Bina Nusantara