Cultivating an Environmental Ethic Within the United Methodist Church Team Members: Hal Gunder, Justin Schott, Jesse Turner Advisor: Mike Wiley Client Contact: John Hill, Program Director of Environmental Concerns
Outline: Research questions & project goals Research questions & project goals Structure of The United Methodist Church (UMC) Structure of The United Methodist Church (UMC) Study site: Holston Conference Study site: Holston Conference Methodology Methodology Deliverables Deliverables Timeline & Budget Timeline & Budget
Research Questions: What role can Christianity play in resolving the environmental crisis? What role can Christianity play in resolving the environmental crisis? How does UMC address environmental issues throughout different levels of the organization? How does UMC address environmental issues throughout different levels of the organization? How do religious beliefs of UMC members affect their environmental attitudes and behaviors? How do religious beliefs of UMC members affect their environmental attitudes and behaviors?
Project Goals: Analyze the status of Christian- environmental research and activism Analyze the status of Christian- environmental research and activism Build the capacity of the Church to deal with environmental issues Build the capacity of the Church to deal with environmental issues Assess the attitudes and behaviors in Holston Conference congregations and clergy Assess the attitudes and behaviors in Holston Conference congregations and clergy Clarify and promote relationship between Christians and environmental groups Clarify and promote relationship between Christians and environmental groups Contribute some type of resource to both individual churches and UMC as a whole Contribute some type of resource to both individual churches and UMC as a whole
Structure of UMC: 8.5 million members (1997) 8.5 million members (1997) - 2 nd largest Protestant church in the U.S. 5 jurisdictions; 14 conferences in SE Jurisdiction 5 jurisdictions; 14 conferences in SE Jurisdiction Research conducted in Holston Conference Research conducted in Holston Conference General Board of Church and Society (GBCS) addresses six areas of social concern, including the “Natural World” General Board of Church and Society (GBCS) addresses six areas of social concern, including the “Natural World”
Site Selection: Input from John Hill Input from John Hill Existing connections Existing connections Bishop’s support Bishop’s support Characteristics: Characteristics: - rural and urban diversity - working with potentially - working with potentially resistant population resistant population
Methodology: Preface: Action Research “aims to contribute both to the practical concerns of people in an immediate problematic situation and to the goals of social immediate problematic situation and to the goals of social science by joint collaboration within a mutually acceptable ethical framework.” (Rapoport, 1985) framework.” (Rapoport, 1985) I) Recruitment: - local contacts and recommendations - letters from the Bishop - attend Holston Annual Conference in June - attend Holston Annual Conference in June - church attendance
Methodology Cont’d: II) Assessment of attitudes and behaviors: - develop theological and env. measures - develop theological and env. measures - congregational survey - congregational survey - sub-sample interviews - sub-sample interviews - focus groups - focus groups III) Analysis: - stats, comparison to other studies - stats, comparison to other studies - interviews as qualitative support - interviews as qualitative support - focus groups as brainstorms for deliverables - focus groups as brainstorms for deliverables
Deliverables: Potential Church Resources: Potential Church Resources: Educational: website, educational needs Educational: website, educational needs assessment, Sunday school lessons, sermons, assessment, Sunday school lessons, sermons, worksheets worksheets Stewardship: individual commitments, church Stewardship: individual commitments, church greening, retreats, local volunteer projects greening, retreats, local volunteer projects Report and presentation to GBCS Report and presentation to GBCS Conference presentation Conference presentation
Timeline: MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.Jan.Feb.MarchApril IRB Funding Literature Review Focus Groups (Thesis) Focus Group (Product) Survey and Interview Thesis Writing Product Development Edit Thesis and Product Present Thesis and Product
Maggie Schneider reacts to being named this year's National Cherry Queen: