The Christian Scriptures Canon of the New Testament
Definition The New Testament is a collection of books written from 50ce to 100ce. It was put together in about 150ce. There are 27 books in Christian Scripture, even though there were hundreds of writings about Jesus. The writings from the scriptures vary in style and have several different authors. Some of the books are letters, sermons, and some highly symbolic and imaginative writings. The books contained in Scripture are called the Canon which means they were agreed upon by the early Church and accepted as inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Theme The overall theme of the Scriptures centers around the life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus and the impact these events had on the community of believers emerging at that time. Scripture tells the story of Jesus and answers the many questions people had about Him and His Ministry The remainder of the scriptures were written to meet the needs of the growing, worshiping community.
CANON Of The New Testament The 4 Gospels The stories of Jesus preaching, suffering, death, and resurrection Put together as chronological and historical but more concerned with the message than with historical details of Jesus life. The Gospels are MATTHEW MARK LUKE JOHN
CANON Acts of the Apostles Written by Luke This contains the records of the initial development of the early church Stories of the missionary work, [preaching and baptizing] by the Disciples and Apostles. The teaching of Jesus’ message of Good News.
CANON Pauline Epistles 13 epistles (letter) Written to individuals and new communities to support and educate them about Jesus and His mission. Corinthians 1 and 2 Thessalonians 1 and 2 Timothy 1 and 2 Philippians Philemon Titus Romans Galations Colossians Ephesians
CANON Letter to Hebrews [14 th letter] Unknown author. It was accepted because it was written in a similar style as Paul. It is mainly an Extended sermon to a group in danger of losing faith in Jesus
CANON Catholic Epistles Catholic means universal Seven letters attributed--written by the Apostles Addressed to established believers, so as to teach and encourage. The letters are: The letters are: James 1 and 2 Peter 1,2,3 John Jude
CANON Revelation Attributed to/written by apostle John Christians were being persecuted by the Romans This book encourages believers to remain faithful to Christ and to persevere through the persecutions