Greenhouse Plant Management: 2165 Topic: water Brian Sobecki
Why do plants need water? A few reasons that plants need water are: Water helps carry nutrients from the roots to other parts of the plant. Plants need water for photosynthesis and respiration. Water is needed by the cells to keep them ridged so the plant doesn’t look wilted.
The proper method of hand watering. If watering plants by hand than you should remember the following: Always use a gentle setting on a hose nozzle or a water breaker. Use water that is at room temperature, so you will not shock the plant. Allow water to soak down through the media, until a small amount drain from the bottom. DO NOT over water because this will cause leaching.
What is leaching? Leaching –The removal of nutrients from the soil due to the overabundance of water in the soil. –The water that is not absorbed into the media runs through it and out of the bottom of the plant carrying needed nutrients out with it.
Irrigation Hand watering is good for small amounts of plants, however when we have to water a great amount of plants at one time we use irrigation systems. Irrigation: to supply water by artificial means. Some types include.
Irrigation Overhead irrigation: Consists of fine mist or medium droplet size spray heads. Can be applied in moderated amounts due to amount of time it is on. A care person should check plants at random spots in the green house to make sure every plant is getting enough water and not to much. Saves time and money.
Two Types of Overhead Irrigation.
Irrigation Drip irrigation Saves time and money. Cuts water usage by 50 to 70 percent. Water is applied directly to each pot by a small irrigation system, directly to the growing media. Drip tubes and heads require some maintenance such as removal of debris in the water lines which plug the head.
Two pictures of Drip Irrigation.
Irrigation Flood irrigation. Plants are placed on a specialized floor which slopes slightly to the middle. The floor is then flooded until each pot is and inch or more in water, and the water is absorbed through the drainage holes. After a prearranged amount of time the water is drained and then reused in another room or later. pH Should be checked regularly when using this type of system. And disease could be spread by reuse of water.
Irrigation. When at all possible sub-surface methods such as flooding should be used to avoid leaching of nutrients. If you have house plants this can be done by placing your plants in something that holds water, for a short amount of time or until plant media absorbs all it can.
Pictures From: (references) 1. International Greenhouse Company. 3/16/01. Greenhouse Irrigation Systems; htm 2. Munckhof Greenhouse Irrigation Systems. Greenhouse Irrigation systems;