CUSP134: Icarus’s Parachute Writing and Argument Today 1.Where we’ve been, where we are, where we’re going 2.Discussion of Critical Moves (handout) 3.Group Workshop: Analyzing & Relating (handout) 4.Discussion: Developing Inquiry 5.Browsing Reserves, Exploring Topics
CUSP134: Icarus’s Parachute The Foundation: Reading & Understanding* The Trajectory: From Information to New Knowledge Trust the Process – You have to walk before you can run! 1. SP1* – Developing a Consultable Ground 2. SP2* – Developing a Place in Discourse 3. SP3* – Developing a Insight from a Ground in Discourse 4. SP4 – Developing an Inquiry for Argument 5. Researching 6. FP – Provisional Argument: focus on inquiry and analysis 7. Conferencing 8. FP-R – Revised Argument: better organization, more precise analysis, more focused claim, formatting
CUSP134: Icarus’s Parachute Group Workshop: Analyzing, Relating Groups of 3-4; ~25min General Goal: To collaboratively develop points of interest out of key ideas in the readings, and to form critical connections across texts around those interests Consider your writing in SP3, as well as the handout with key passages/idea listings… 1. Analysis: What would be a good point of departure for further exploration? 2. Relation: What themes show up across texts? What concepts or claims are complicated or made problematic by those in other texts?