You’re watching Today is Feb. 10, 2011
ECHS celebrates Black History Month Feb. 2011
Mon – tacos/burrito Tue – chzburger/tuna sub Wed – pb&j/veg soup/turkey crois Thu – bbq sw/ckn quesadilla Fri – chzy ravioli/pizza
Mon – cereal and toast Tue – breakfast bites Wed – steak biscuit Thu – breakfast bagel Fri – chz grits/toast
–daedal –\ DEE-duhl \, adjective; –1. Complex or ingenious in form or function; intricate. –2. Skillful; artistic; ingenious. –3. Rich; adorned with many things.
Graduation Test Review Sessions! Social Studies – room 206 Feb. 7, 14, 28. Mar. 7, 14, 21 Science - 2/8 in 908; 2/15 in 410; 2/22 in 902; 3/1 in 402; 3/8 in 401; 3/22 in 408
Watch our TV channel!
Graduation Test Review Sessions! Lang. Arts – room 102 Feb. 9, 16, 23. Mar. 2, 9, 23 Math – room 404 Feb. 10, 17, 24. Mar. 3, 10, 24
Graduation Test Review Sessions! One last review: 3/28 – Science, room :30-4:30 3/29 – Math, room :30-4:30 3/30 – SS, room :30-4:30
Feb. 10 is the last day to order flowers with FCCLA.
Feb. 10 is the last day to buy Cystic Fibrosis hearts from Beta Club. The winning first period class gets breakfast next week.
Drama club rehearsal 2/11 2/11
Jazz Night Feb. 25 Carrabba’s is catering! Tickets are $15 each; 2 for $25 See a Jazz Band member or band director for tickets.
All you can eat Pancake Breakfast is Feb a.m. to 9 a.m. Applebee’s on Hwy 21 in Garden City. Tickets are $7 Get tickets from band members or directors
Congrats to the Ag Mechanics Team for their 1 st place win at the Area IV Ag Mechanics CDE on Feb. 8! Team: Jesse Edwards, Justin Hinely, Jordan Parker, and Orry Smith …
…Jesse Edwards was first place high individual; Jordan Parker was 2 nd high; Justin Hinely was 7 th high; Orry Smith was 10 th high. State event is March 19!
Come join us as we congratulate Hank Campbell and Taylor Hall who are signing Cross Country scholarships to Darton College! Media Center, 8 a.m. Feb. 11
New at the Rebel Country Store: ladies black t-shirts with rhinestone “Rebels”. $10 See us for Valentine’s Day jewelry and candy grams for $2.50.
Student council meeting 2/15 7:30 a.m.
Congrats to Katie Ward, January 2011 Teacher of the Month!
Continue to vote for Teacher of the Month and make school suggestions on stage!
Congrats to the boys and girls bball teams for wins over SEB on Feb. 8!
National Art Honor Society Meeting Feb. 15 3:30-4 p.m.
Going on the Beta club trip in March? Payment is due by Friday, Feb. 11. Pay off trip by March 5.
Congrats to the FFA Livestock Judging teams. They advanced to the state competition that will be on March 26 in Athens. Senior team 2nd place in Area 4- Tayler Weaver (high individual in the senior contest), Steven Decker, Cheyanne Mock, Rachael Laverenz. Junior competitors- Julia Gonzalez (High individual in the junior contest), Morgan Link (9th high individual in the junior contest)
Interested in working in the school store? Sign up for Entrepreneurial Ventures class. Learn how to open your own business. It looks good on your resume! See Mrs. Palis in room 305.
FCA meeting 2/10 6:30 p.m. Cafeteria Come by for free pizza and great music!
Congrats to boys bball for their win over Evans High of Augusta on 2/4! The win assures the boys of the 2- AAAA subregion B number one seed heading into the region tourney!
If you had your jacket confiscated, pick it up today after school. Anything not claimed will be donated to the Manna House this week.
Congrats to these students who had their artwork selected for the Annual Congressional Exhibition at AASU! Rachel Bowers, Jodi Braselton (2), Rebecca Criswell, Katy Kennedy, Kelly Patterson, Hope Rigsby, Kie Meador (Honorable Mention)
Congrats to Hillary Usher for placing first in Performing Arts Vocal at DPA! She will compete at the state level in July!
Congrats to the Students of the Month for January! Names are posted on the front office windows and will receive a Coke & a Moon Pie on 2/11!
Congratulations to the wrestling team for their region championship won at Brunswick on 2/5! Jason Piche and Nicholas Petrea were 4 th ; Cheyenne Hunt and Andreas Stefan were 3 rd ; …
…Steven Shores, Kyle Piche, Tavon Powell, Jordan Ginn and Joey Jerome were 2 nd ; Region Champs are Justin Panter, Andrew Bushey, Brandon Macklunis and Jamelle Jaudon! Good luck at Loganville for sectionals!
Congrats to the Lady Rebel JV bball team for their win over Sav Christian on 2/5! They finish their season 8-5!
Congrats to the Lady Rebels Varsity bball team for their come from behind win over Evans High, on Feb. 4!
FCCLA meeting Feb. 10 After school All Star Events participants must attend.
FCCLA is taking orders for flowers to be delivered on Feb. 14 to your special someone!
Miss Relay for Life Pageant Feb. 26 Forms on the school website Tell your cousins and family!
Ladies: senior shirts are on sale for $14! See Mrs. Duff or Kelley Neidlinger to order. Deadline is Feb. 11.
Compass Exam will be given on Feb. 24 at 4:30 in the media center. Sign up with Mrs. Harrelson in the counselors’ office by Feb. 16.
Did you forget about Valentine’s Day? Come to the school store for jewelry and candy grams.
FBLA members: continue to sell your candy. Didn’t pick any up? See Mrs. Waltz today.
FBLA members going to ECMS on 2/11 should sign up with Mrs. Waltz.
If you ordered a Beta Club t- shirt, they are in! Pick it up in room 402.
Any girls interested in trying out for volleyball: sign up with Mrs. Roddenberry in room 917.
February Special! Junior dues are $50! This special is good ONLY until Feb. 28! Mar. 1 dues will be $80.
FBLA is collecting for March of Dimes this week during lunch and before school. Donate a $1 and you could win a $25 gift card to any store in the Oglethorpe Mall!
FBLA week is Feb. 7-11! We’ll have a trivia question each day. The first period class to Mrs. Waltz with the correct answer each day and who has the most points at the end of the week will win breakfast!
The girls of class 2011 have shirts for sale until Feb 15 in Mrs. Arrington's classroom. They are pink with giraffe print writing. The shirts are $15 each and you must pay when you sign up. The girls of class 2011 have shirts for sale until Feb 15 in Mrs. Arrington's classroom. They are pink with giraffe print writing. The shirts are $15 each and you must pay when you sign up.
Anyone who has taken business essentials and is interested in a career in finance don't forget to sign up for banking and investing and risk management and insurance during registration. Please see Ms. Pierce for more information.
Effingham Women in Business Scholarship: due 4/1 See the counselors’ website for details.
Check out and apply by 2/11. You could go to CNN in Atlanta and discuss world issues!
Journalism conference at the Newseum in July! Apply online at Deadline is Feb
Yearbook & Newspaper meet every Monday in room 816 until 4:30. Stop by and help us finish the book & paper!
Miss ECHS Pageant 3/26 Info packets in front office. Due back on 3/4. See Mrs. Ward in room 905
In addition to the regular math tutoring after school Monday - Thursday, math tutoring will also be going on from 7:30 to 8:15 every day in room 919.
Credit Recovery meets every day. Times are: 7:30-8:15 - room 101 daily including Friday. 3:30-5:30 - room 101 daily excluding Friday.
All students must have a lunch card or number. Otherwise, move to the back of the line. If you don’t, you will stand and wait until the end.
Sign up for a new Pathway! Join Broadcast Video Production in ! Mark it on your registration form! Got BVP?
Listen to Rebel Radio! Have your own show! Stop by room 816 for details.
Writing test tutoring Room 905 Mon & Tue 3:45-4:30
Owe money on your yearbook or ad? Keep making payments. Pay it off by April 1.
Student suggestion box In the cafeteria. Share ideas. Student Council will consider all suggestions at their meetings.
Visit the Rebel Country Store! Hours: 7:50-8:20; all four lunches; 3:30-4. Variety of Rebel apparel, hand bags, jewelry, etc.
Buy pictures from this school year!
Important Phone Numbers: Herff Jones (graduation, rings): Follow us on