C x and C x for K + Λ and K + o Photo-production R. Bradford Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester R. Schumacher Department of Physics and Astronomy, Carnegie Mellon University for the CLAS Collaboration
Overview What are C x and C z ? Experimental Setup/Jefferson Lab Overview of measurement/analysis techniques Results for K + Λ and K + o comparison with available models
What are C x and C z ? Measure polarization transfer from to Y in the production plane, along “z” or “x” p K+K+ Y K CM In CM frame: Z X y
Our data came from Jlab... Tagged beam on LH2 target. 2.4 and 3.1 GeV endpoint energies. Polarization ~ 65%.
The CLAS Detector in Hall B Electromagnetic calorimeters Lead/scintillator, 1296 photomultipliers Gas Cherenkov counters e/ separation, 256 PMTs Time-of-flight counters plastic scintillators, 684 photomultipliers Drift chambers argon/CO 2 gas, 35,000 cells CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer Torus magnet 6 superconducting coils Liquid H 2 target + start counter; e minitorus
An advertisement... This analysis has also produced differential cross section measurements. See nucl/ex
Analysis Strategy Extract C x and C z using beam helicity asymmetry, A x/z : N x/z ± = helicity-dependent yield eff = Effective weak decay asymmetry = for , for o. = photon beam polarization No acceptance correction necessary!!
Analysis Details For both channels, detect K + p. or o hyperon recreated from p( ,K + )X missing mass. Yield extracted with fit. Construct helicity asymmetries Extract slope from linear fit. cos(θ p ) Beam Helicity Asymmetry -
Photon Polarization Determination Polarization of e - beam measured with Moller Polarimeter. Polarization of beam calculated using the Maximon and Olson relation (See: L.C. Maximon and H. Olson, Phys Rev 114, 887 (1959). P /P e Ratio
Results Models: F.X.Lee et al, Nucl Phys A 695, 237, 2001; S. Janssen, PhD Thesis, Univ. of Gent, 2001
Foward Angles
o : Backward angles
o : Mid angles
o : Forward angles
Summary... We have made first measurements of C x and C z for p→K + and p→K + o. The recoil is shown to be almost maximally polarized along the direction of the incident polarization. The recoiling o has nonzero polarization, but with no preferred direction. A paper is in the works....
Supplemental Slides
A note about o : We study o through its decay to . This results to changes in the effective value of the weak decay asymmetry parameter. Dillution to decay of o. Correction related to reference frame weak decay asymmetry parameter = 0.642
A note about o, cont’d: Source: R.A. Schumacher, et al. Proton angular distribution in the o rest frame. CLAS-Note Posted at: