Facts About King Fahd University of Petroleum &Minerals KFUPM
KFUPM is one of 9 state universities in Saudi Arabia. It the most prestigious university in the Arab World (270 univ.) We take the best 5% of high school students. Our graduates are Saudi leaders. KFUPM is a publish-or-perish institution. Ph.D. granting institution.
Program are designed after the US education model, with some Saudi perspective. model, with some Saudi perspective. MIT model, six engineering and science colleges and a business school. colleges and a business school. ABET Accreditation. Established 42 years ago by a consortium of US Ivy-League universities, and served on its board Ivy-League universities, and served on its board of trustees. of trustees. English is the medium of instruction.
State of the art technology of education. No. of Students 10,000; Faculty 1,028; Staff 2,146 Research Institute: Contractual research. 2004 budget (capital and operating) is $170 million. Tuition-free university.
Facts About College of Engineering Sciences
The college’s Programs are substantially equivalent to accredited engineering programs in United States by ABET. Our programs are designed after the US education model. The College uses English as the medium of instruction. Established in 1967.
CES Departments Aerospace Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Petroleum Engineering
Each Department offers programs leading to: BS Degree MS Degree PhD Degree
Statistics Full time faculty 164 Enrollment, Undergrad 3012 Graduate 231 Graduate 231
ENDOWED CHAIRS Materials & Corrosion Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals Telecommunications Power Systems Petroleum Engineering
RESEARCH GRANTS 1. CES Research Grants 2. KFUPM Research Grants 3. SABIC Research Grants 4. SABIC Fast Track Grants 5. Research Institute Internal Grants
GRANTS/ CONT. 6. Junior Faculty Research Grants 7. Special Societal Studies Grants 8. Book Writing and Translation Grants 10. DAD summer grants for instructional development. 11. King Abdulaziz City of Science and Technology (KACST) Research Grants
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