Note 1 of 5E Welcome to Pstat5E: Statistics with Economics and Business Applications Yuedong Wang Syllabus
Note 1 of 5E Course Logistics Location: BRDA 1610, TR 12:00-1:45pm Instructor: Yuedong Wang – Office: 5509 South Hall – Phone: – – Office hour: MF 11: :00 Teaching Assistants: Brianna Briggs, Biliana Bagasheva, Anna Chernobai, Michael Grebeck, Eli Kollman, Jeongjun Lee, Joao Rosario, Sarani Saha
Note 1 of 5E Course Logistics Text Book: A Brief Course in Business Statistics, A Brief Course in Business Statistics, 2nd Edition, by William Mendenhall, Robert J. Beaver and Barbara M. Beaver. Duxbury, ISBN: Calculator: You will need a basic calculator and bring it to all lectures, discussions, quizzes and exams.
Note 1 of 5E Purposes and Topics Purpose of this class: The aim of this course is to introduce basic concepts of probability and statistics so that one is able to understand and perform simple data analysis. The emphasis will be on concepts and problem solving rather than on theory. Topics: Descriptive methods, graphs, measures of central tendency and spread, probability, random variables, mean and variance, binomial and normal distributions, confidence intervals, hypotheses testing, correlation and regression.
Note 1 of 5E Teaching Assistant and Discussions We do several things in the two-hour weekly discussions: Quizzes which consists of problems selected from the previous week's Homework assignment. Students and the TA work through a Practice Quiz. Students are encouraged to request the TA's help with homework problems during Discussion. You must attend Discussion Sections each week, where quizzes are given. TA's hold individual office hours and you are encouraged to go to ANY of those for help, not just your TA. There will be NO Discussion this week. No discussion next Monday.
Note 1 of 5E Homeworks and quizzes Homeworks will be assigned in classes but will not be collected. There will be a minutes quiz almost every week during Discussion Sections based on homework problems assigned in the previous week. These quizzes will be graded and will count towards the final grade. Exams: –Midterm: Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2006, 12:30-1:45 pm – Final: Monday, March 20, 2006, 12:00-3:00 pm
Note 1 of 5E Course Grading The final grade will be based on a curve of the overall score computed as follows: Quizzes: 30% Midterm: 30% Final: 40% No make-up or early exams. No make-up quizzes. The single lowest Quiz score is dropped in the calculation of the course grade.
Note 1 of 5E Class Web Pages ERes The official site is The password is “crash". My Web page: I have also created a web site, You can find the following on the above sites : –Timely course announcements –TA office hours and locations, and addresses –Discussion section times and locations –Class schedule and notes –Homework, quizzes, exams and their solutions –Practice exams with solutions –Class rules –How to do well in this class
Note 1 of 5E Academic Honesty You are expected to abide by the academic honesty code as stated in the UCSB General Catalog on all work for this course. In particular, during the exams and quizzes, you are required to work alone and for only the specified time period. The penalty for the first offense of academic misconduct in this class will be a score of zero on the exam or quiz. The second offense will result in a failing grade in the course and may result in a referral to the academic judiciary.
Note 1 of 5E Procedures if you suspect your work has been graded incorrectly Every effort will be made to mark your work accurately. You should be credited with all the points you've worked hard to earn! However, sometimes grading mistakes happen. If you believe that an error has been made on your exam, return the exam to the TA immediately, stating your claim in writing. Your TA will then pass the script to me and I will re-grade the entire paper. Please note that grades can go down as well as up or remain the same. Under no circumstances will a midterm paper that has been taken away from class be re-marked.
Note 1 of 5E Extra Help CLAS Campus Learning Assistance Service offers tutoring in small groups for this class Private Tutors: we recommend graduate students from the Department of Statistics, if you really want to hire a private tutor
Note 1 of 5E Work Load This is a 5-unit course and therefore, according to University regulations, it carries a workload of about 15 hours per week. This includes lectures and discussion sections. The remainder of the time being private study.
Note 1 of 5E How to do well in the class Statistics is a problem-solving subject. Practice in problem solving, and completing and understanding the assigned reading and homework are essential to success on the exams. Suggestions for success in the class: Attend all lectures. I will not “read from the book” and you will not necessarily find the examples from lecture in the textbook. Attend all discussion sections where quizzes are given. Take all quizzes and exams.
Note 1 of 5E How to do well in the class Do the reading before attending lecture. Do the homework. Do your own work. You may discuss problems with classmates, but don't copy from them. Compare homework answers with solutions posted on the web sites. Study and practice solving problems before taking quizzes and exams. Spend 15 hours each week.