Multi-sector stakeholder representation –Customary –Amateur –Environment and Conservation –Commercial –Ministry of Fisheries –Science Advisors
NRLMG Produce Annual Report for Minister of Fisheries – “NRLMG as primary source of advice on rock lobster fisheries issues” Rock lobster fisheries research planning - RPG Rock lobster fisheries assessment working group - RLFAWG
NRLMG Established 1992 as outcome of Rock Lobster Steering Committee established by Minister to develop Plan of Management for New Zealand rock lobster fisheries. The “Ten Year Plan” October 1991 Annual review and revision by NRLMG From “one stock all NZ” assessments and decisions to single/dual stock assessments and management procedures incorporating decision rules
NRLMG TAC/TACC and Sustainability Advice Regulation reviews – capture methods, escapement, seasons, domestic sales etc Compliance threat assessment - Catch identification Development and operation of Management Procedures incorporating decision rules Encourage co-operation and collaboration at regional/fishery level