M.Wahlberg/G.Anderson TLCFE (CCC/U of W) Transforming Learning Cultures in English Further Education (FE) [TLCFE] Research Models
M.Wahlberg/G.Anderson TLCFE (CCC/U of W) Introduction The TLCFE project A complex view of learning as a social and cultural phenomenon FE is researched under-researched A model of research in practice, by practitioners. Review of models – not definitive, not mutually exclusive.
M.Wahlberg/G.Anderson TLCFE (CCC/U of W) Model 1 Individual research undertaken as part of a higher degree
M.Wahlberg/G.Anderson TLCFE (CCC/U of W) Model 2 Appointment of specialist researchers
M.Wahlberg/G.Anderson TLCFE (CCC/U of W) Model 3 Existing managerial model –Student surveys –Entry data –Retention statistics –Achievement data –ISRs
M.Wahlberg/G.Anderson TLCFE (CCC/U of W) Model 4 Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
M.Wahlberg/G.Anderson TLCFE (CCC/U of W) Model 5 Collaboration with outside agencies
M.Wahlberg/G.Anderson TLCFE (CCC/U of W) Model 6 The traditional HE model
M.Wahlberg/G.Anderson TLCFE (CCC/U of W) Model 7 The FE/HE partnership as in the TLCFE model
M.Wahlberg/G.Anderson TLCFE (CCC/U of W) Model 8 Individual research activity
M.Wahlberg/G.Anderson TLCFE (CCC/U of W) Model 9 A research consortium
M.Wahlberg/G.Anderson TLCFE (CCC/U of W) Model 10 Researcher/HE mentor