Fundamentals of the Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor and its applications.
The Basic MOSFET Operation N-channel enhancement-mode MOSFET G S D B Circuit symbol
I-V relationship
enhancement n-channel MOSFET Non-saturation:Saturation:
depletion n-channel MOSFET
transconductance Non-saturation: Saturation:
Inherent resistances and capacitances in MOSFET
Small-signal equivalent circuit of a CS
CMOS technology
CMOS inverter
I-V relationship … The current in the channel is due to drift rather than diffusion. 2.There is no current through the gate oxide. 3.A gradual channel approximation is used in which. This approximation means that E x is essentially a constant. 4.Any fixed oxide charge is an equivalent charge density at the oxide- semiconductor interface. 5.The carrier mobility in the channel is constant.