Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Overview What is a secure computer system? Concerns of a secure system o Data: Privacy, Integrity, Availability o Users: Authentication, Authorization, Privacy Security in stand-alone, networked, and internetworked environments
Chapter 1 Introduction 2 Secure Computer System A security policy specifies exactly what types of actions are and are not permitted on the system Example security policy o Only authorized users able to use the system o Authorization/Access control o Resources sharing among users A secure system obeys its security policy
Chapter 1 Introduction 3 Security Breaches A violation of a system’s security policy is called a security breach Security breaches can occur o Accidentally – faulty program o Intentionally – virus Creating a system where security breaches cannot occur can be easy or impossible depending on o What the security policy requires o How the system implements the policy
Chapter 1 Introduction 4 Secure Systems Design Policy Simplicity Principle o Policy as simple as possible (but no simpler) o Should state what is allowed and forbidden System Functionality Principle o Include necessary functionality (and no more) o Perform job it was designed to do (and no more)
Chapter 1 Introduction 5 Policy Simplicity Simpler security policies are easier to get right, reason about and implement Security breaches caused by policy shortcomings are most often due to o Incomplete or inconsistent policy o Misunderstanding the policy’s requirements o Error in implementation
Chapter 1 Introduction 6 System Functionality Limiting functionality limits attacks Security breaches caused by system functionality can be caused by o Software bugs o Unforeseen interactions between components
Chapter 1 Introduction 7 Relative Security Few useful systems will be absolutely secure We view security in a relative sense This does not mean that good security design and implementation is unimportant Example: safes
Chapter 1 Introduction 8 Cost vs Security Proper security level depends on value of the items that system is protecting (other concerns?) Trade-off between cost and security Select security level appropriate for user needs
Chapter 1 Introduction 9 Cost vs Security (continued) Example: user authentication o System A - authenticates the user by retinal scan o System B - authenticates users once with password System A is probably more secure than system B, but more costly and inconvenient Is added security and expense called for? o Maybe for NSA o Not for an individual
Chapter 1 Introduction 10 Secure System Concerns Data o Privacy o Integrity o Availability Users o Authentication o Privacy
Chapter 1 Introduction 11 Data Privacy Data privacy: access to information is limited to authorized entities Examples o Certain files only accessible to certain users o Communications between two users cannot be read by some third party Cryptography for privacy of data
Chapter 1 Introduction 12 Data Integrity Data has integrity if it can only be modified by authorized principals Examples o Bank must ensure that only authorized personnel can change account balances o Company must make sure that its freeware program has not been modified Message-digests used to protect integrity
Chapter 1 Introduction 13 Data Availability Data availability means that data is accessible in a timely manner as needed Examples o Non-working laptop brought to open-note test o Student’s laptop notes poorly organized so time wasted finding relevant information Replication and fault tolerance can be used to ensure the availability of data
Chapter 1 Introduction 14 User Authentication User authentication means that system accurately determines user’s identity Examples o Files readable only by their owner o Only certain users should be able to add or delete system accounts Authenticate by: something you know, something you have, something you are
Chapter 1 Introduction 15 User Privacy privacy means that users have control over info collected and made available to others Examples: o User may not want others to know programs they run, who they communicate with, etc. o User may not want to receive spam Anonymity can protect privacy
Chapter 1 Introduction 16 Network and Internet Additional challenges o Privacy Stand-alone system - the operating system is likely to control all communication channels Networked systems - no host controls the communication medium; eavesdropping usually easy o User authentication Stand-alone system – user is physically present Internetworked systems – user may access system over an insecure communication channel
Chapter 1 Introduction 17 Summary A secure computer system follows security policy Security concerns involve protecting o Data privacy o Data integrity o Data availability o User authentication o User privacy o Network and internetwork additional risks