Administrivia Review Deliverable 2 –Overview (audience) –Excellent additions User Goals Usability Goals User Group (who are you designing for?) Success Criteria
Administrivia Review Deliverable 2 (continued) –Rationale Reasoning for problem is separate from reasoning for solution Principles differ from guidelines Dumas & Redish (p. 53) –Principle: broad statements (or goals) usually based on research about how people learn and work –Guideline: how to achieve specific goals for different users, environments and technologies Explain how you are applying the principle in your solution and support the principle with guidelines or findings or study results Barnum: inspection methods are generally better at finding problems than determining the appropriate improvement
Administrivia Review Deliverable 2 (continued) –Business Case Be specific about the return on investment, business goals and revenue/cost. What measurable difference will it make to the company? For example, how do they measure success today and how much might that measure be expected to improve? Too general: increase usage, increase users, increase sales, improve satisfaction, contain expenses, improving usability
Project Sharing Team discussions –Share results of heuristic evaluations –Discuss your choice of methods and results Class-level discussion –Volunteers to share especially challenging or surprising insights –Lessons learned
Where are we in the UCD process?
Usability Testing Test early and often, not just at the end Evaluation Technique –Real users –Real tasks –Observe and Record Two types –Discover problems (to improve/form the product) Think-a-loud (typical) –Summarize the usability (measure against goals) Usability goals Compared to other testing –Functional Test –QA Test –Beta Test
Usability Testing Preparation –Choose frequent and critical tasks –Tasks related to concerns you have –Develop test script Select Participants –Screening criteria (create gaps to separate) –Minimum of 3 participants per user group 3-5 (Nielsen) 8 minimum for a summative test Results –List of problems –Severity –Organize & Prioritize
Usability Testing Measurable usability goals –How many of what type of user will be able to do what within what measure? –80% of Novice web site users will be able to Contact Us in less than 25 seconds. –What is a reasonable measure? Consider how many test participants you have How confident do you want to be in the results? Bias –Inappropriate instructions or assistance –Leading questions –Subtle feedback (positive or negative) –Confirming understanding of the task
Usability Testing Introduction –What to expect (how long?) –Work as you would under normal circumstances –Ethics Voluntary (free to stop or leave at any time) Permission to record An evaluation of the software not of their abilities Interaction with participants –Think-aloud –Handling questions (rhetorical) –Assistance Issues –How do you know when a task is done? –Time limit
Usability Testing Limitations –Only evaluates part of the interface –Scripted tasks –Not a true real-world situation –May not reveal problems of proficient users –Even with think-a-loud, intent may not be clear
Usability Testing Prepare –Avoid bias –Introduction –Develop test script –Take notes –Take measures –Prompt participant (if necessary)
Activity – Usability Test Form Groups –Individual work – choose tasks –Individual work – define measurable goals –Individual work – identify measures –Group work – share and discuss
Activity – Usability Test Discussion Topics What are important decisions? What types of variations could you imagine? What are the complexities– what makes it hard? What factors are important for achieving success with this method?
Discussion of Readings Facilitate class discussion of topics / ideas / themes garnered from the online discussion, related to assigned readings. –Discussion Leaders 1. Sarah Sosiak 2. Ona Anicello 3. Astrid Lipke 4. Monica Risse
Project Exercise Usability Study Design and execute a usability study of your prototype with 3 users. Prepare a one page description summarizing –Method for testing –Results of the study –Potential implications for redesign Bring copies of the exercise to class (one copy for each member of the team, one copy for the instructor) and also post it to your design portfolio. Due next Thursday
Looking back / Looking ahead Where we’ve been Topics – Readings and discussion –What is UCD? –Collecting and summarizing info about users, tasks and context –Problem definition –Design Project –Insights about users, tasks, and contextual issues –Actual data from observing real users –Problem definition –Proposal –Design Where we’re going Redesign: –Represent design –Support and justify Readings: –Cost-justifying usability –Justifying user visits –Benefits Upcoming Exercises: –Final Design Solution Issue Statement: A reminder 1. Jaana Linsenmayer 2. Kris Anderson 3. Carol Taylor