X-ray Data Analysis Workshop Group 2 (NCU)
Homework Contents Download Chandra data, extract the lightcurve and spectrum. Identify spectral lines. Make a true color image using three idetified elements. Compare Swift with Chandra data.
Cas A: , W 81, SN 1680 –A young supernova remnant (extended source) –Exploded more than 300 years ago –Distance: ~10,000 ly –Gas shell diameter: 10 ly Chadra data summary –Obsid:114 –Observed date: 2000/01/30/10:40:42UT –Detector: ACIS-S –Grating: None –Exposure time: 50,560 sec –File size: 512 Mb #Chose the data after confirm the exposure time, or you’ll wait for a long~long time….
Light curve ds9 --- make source region and background region CIAO --- extract light curve dmextract / infile="acisf00114N003_evt2.fits[sky=region(source.reg)] [bin time=::4.0]" outfile="lightcurve.fits" opt="ltc1" fplot --- plot light curve
Light curve of Cas A
Extract Spectrum
Identification of Spectral Lines ElementEnergy(keV) O0.547 O0.654 Ne0.922 Ne1.022 Si1.865 Si2.006 S2.461 S2.632 Ref:
True Color Image True color image was made using Funtools. Ne : Red ( keV) Si : Blue ( keV) S : Green ( keV)
True Color Chandra Image of Cas A
Compare Swift with Chandra data
Compare of Image Swift Chandra Pulsar Different angular resolution (Swift 15 arc-sec, Chandra <0.5 arc-sec)
Compare of true color image Swift Chandra
Compare of spectrum SwiftChandra Different exposure time (Swift: 4,990 sec, Chandra: 50,560sec) Noise??