Presented By: Vinay Kumar
Discussion about utilizing Web 2.0 tools and technologies in clinical settings. What are the Web 2.0 technologies? -Blogs, Wikis, PodCasts, VodCasts, RSS. Web 2.0 tools for education/training of medical/nursing students and employees.
A Blog invites the discussion among a community of users regarding a specific topic. Wiki is a collaborative web site whose content can be edited by anyone who has access to it. Podcasts are nothing but the audio/video content for an audience that wants to listen when they want, where they want, and how they want.
The continuous professional development and education of healthcare professionals Patient education. Wikis, Blogs, Podcasts, Vodcasts (Video Podcasts) enable and enhance the information propagation to end users. Make the rapid information delivery possible. Audio and video files can be downloaded to the portable media players which can later be played from anywhere and anytime.
Medical Wiki: (for H5N1 related flu information)
Ease of use availability of many Open Source/free or low- cost software and hosting options to run them. RSS feeds may be used to get the precise information needed
Vandalism Patient Privacy issues Ongoing monitoring Ongoing moderation Authenticity of the information Time consuming to perform the administration
Web 2.0 tools may substantially ease the information propagation in clinical setting. Provides interactive and engaging tools to the employers such as hospitals and training institutes It increases the overall efficiency of the information delivery and greatly enhances the cost savings