Promoting Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Development Chapter 5
IDEA Requirements Functional Behavioral Assessment Behavior Intervention Plan Manifestation Determination Review
FBA Descriptive analysis using multiple sources (interviews, checklists, behavior rating scales) Functional analysis to test and confirm hypothesis about function of the behavior
Profiles of student behavior See pg Review the student profiles What do you think of the suggested strategies? Think of other possible strategies
Self-Report Instruments See Table commercial instruments for self-concept Q-Sort Technique Informal Self-Report Techniques - teacher made checklists or questionnaires
Sociometric Techniques Peer Nomination Peer Ratings Peer Assessment Sociogram
Teach for Success Instructional goals are clear Knowledgeable of content and strategies for teaching it Student expectations are clearly described Provide practice that enrich and clarify content Teach metacognitive strategies
Good Teaching Knowledgeable about student’s abilities, adapt instruction according to their needs Monitor student progress Provide feedback Accept responsibility for student outcomes Are thoughtful and reflective about their practice
Teacher Behaviors Provide frequent positive praise and reinforcement Ignore minor misbehaviors Reward positive behaviors Avoid power struggles with students Do students like being in the classroom? Students are achieving academic and social gain Provide clear expectations
Promoting Proactivity Set Goals High expectations lead to self-worth Pair effort with positive or negative consequences Give Responsibility Caring for pets Bulletin board Errands
Promote Cooperation Teach students how to be friendly with each other Peer tutoring Cooperative learning
Behavior Modification Extrinsic Reinforcers Primary Tangible Token Social approval Intrinsic Reinforcers Task completion Feedback Acquisition of knowledge Sense of mastery
Important Terms Positive Reinforcement Negative Reinforcement Punishment Shaping
Punishment Prevention Strategies Ensure task is appropriate Pay more attention to positive behaviors Reinforce students who are following the rules Use gentle verbal reminders
Punishment Prevention Strategies Cont. Use proximity control Discuss the problem with the student Use a precorrection strategy Ignore mild misbehavior
Punishment Strategies Verbal reprimands Quiet time Owing time Nonexclusionary time out Exclusionary time out Third-party sanctions
Emotional Development Interventions Bibliotherapy Attribution retraining Life-Space interviewing Reality therapy