MONEY TROUBLE During the late 1700 Louis the XVI put France in some major finical troubles To remedy this he taxed the already poor French Citizens because the Clergy and Noble people were tax exempt.
REVOLUTION! The stage was set for a revolution in France, inspired by the American Revolution the poor rose up against the noble class. A new constitution was in the process of being written and was being threatened by the king.
SAN-CULOTTES The sans-culottes movement was important to the Revolution of 1789 and later revolutions, because it was one of the first working class groups that incorporated both a political stance and a social condition.
ATTACK OF THE BASTILLE In order to save their new constitution being written by the New Assembly the French citizens led by the Sans-Culottes attacked the prison Bastille where weapons and ammunition were stored.
TAKE OVER The leader of the Sans- Culottes was Maximilien Robespierre. After the over through of the French Monarchs he became the de facto ruler of France
REIGN OF TERROR Under the new government if you were even accused of treason you could be put to death, no questions asked. This became known as the Reign of Terror.
DEATHS Louis the XVI Marie Antoinette Robespierre All of these leaders were executed during the Revolution along with countless others. End of the Revolution
THE END OF THE REVOLUTION During the revolution in France one general in particular began to outshine all the others. This general was a 26 year old by the name of Napoleon Bonaparte. He over took France, ended the revolution and expanded the French Empire.
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