IMPACT …not a program, but a lifestyle …not a ministry, but a relationship
THE HARVEST PRINCIPLE Every Christian Connecting Someone to Jesus Begin with yourself. (Philippians 1:21) (Ephesians 2:10) (Mark 1:17) Make a point to know all the members and visitors by name. (John 13:34-35) and visitors by name. (John 13:34-35) Practice “hospitality towards the members and regular visitors.” (1 Peter 4:8-9) members and regular visitors.” (1 Peter 4:8-9)
Ask the Lord of Harvest, “WHO?! (Matthew 9:35-38) Pray for opportunities to share your faith. (Philemon 6) faith. (Philemon 6) Pray for God to enlarge your territory. (1 Chronicles 4:9) Pray therefore that the Lord of Harvest would send forth laborers into the would send forth laborers into the harvest field. (Matthew 9:38)(John 20:21) harvest field. (Matthew 9:38)(John 20:21)
Praying Walk your neighborhood, praying for open doors to your neighbors.Walk your neighborhood, praying for open doors to your neighbors. That God give you a burden for others.That God give you a burden for others. That God brings someone to your mind daily.That God brings someone to your mind daily. That God opens a door for you to witness to someone EVERY DAY.That God opens a door for you to witness to someone EVERY DAY. That God gives you sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading.That God gives you sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading.
Make a list of the names God brings to your mind and pray for them daily and look for open doors to connect with them. Because someone you know needs Jesus, now!
Connecting Contact your prayer list and look for signs of receptiveness.Contact your prayer list and look for signs of receptiveness. As the Spirit directs, send a card of encouragement or make a phone call. Contacts tell people your really care.As the Spirit directs, send a card of encouragement or make a phone call. Contacts tell people your really care. Phone your list; tell them you are praying that God will bless them.Phone your list; tell them you are praying that God will bless them. Ask them if they have any prayer requests. (Offer to pray with them over the phone.) Be an encourager.Ask them if they have any prayer requests. (Offer to pray with them over the phone.) Be an encourager.
Connecting Listen carefully to what they are saying, and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s directing. The opportunity to do something for someone will be given by the Spirit’s leading (1 Thessalonians 2:8)Listen carefully to what they are saying, and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s directing. The opportunity to do something for someone will be given by the Spirit’s leading (1 Thessalonians 2:8) Start a home bible study group – connecting people to God’s word.Start a home bible study group – connecting people to God’s word. Be a friend maker for God – share your personal experiences with God.Be a friend maker for God – share your personal experiences with God.
People aren’t looking for a friendly church… They are looking for a friend.
Caring Work your prayer list with passion. Be intentional!Work your prayer list with passion. Be intentional! As doors open, reach out and touch someone’s life through…As doors open, reach out and touch someone’s life through… a personal visit. (1 Peter 2:12) observation – is there a need to be met? contacting them often to show you are sincere. visiting them, especially in time of trial or suffering. Build your relationship with the individual…be a mentor to them. (1 Thessalonians 1:5-12)Build your relationship with the individual…be a mentor to them. (1 Thessalonians 1:5-12) We are called to “make disciples” (Matthew 28:19-20)We are called to “make disciples” (Matthew 28:19-20)
People don’t care what you know until they know your care.
Inviting Inviting Inviting Inviting Inviting Inviting Invite your prayer list to church each week.Invite your prayer list to church each week. Build a relationship through your contactsBuild a relationship through your contacts Invite them to your home for a meal or a snack – be social! Invite them to your home for a meal or a snack – be social! Invite them to Sunday school, church, or some activity. Invite them to Sunday school, church, or some activity. Demonstrate hospitality towards new visitors who attend church.Demonstrate hospitality towards new visitors who attend church. Develop a mind-set to look for opportunities to invite people weekly to church.Develop a mind-set to look for opportunities to invite people weekly to church.
THE HARVEST PURPOSE “Go make disciples” Matthew 28:19-20
Connecting Knowing Growing Going
“People matter to God, so people must matter to us.”