Coastal sage scrub – note bare spots near shrubs
Rabbit grazing – source of apparent competition
Species Coexistence Serengeti National Park
Species Coexistence Competition is a common feature of species interactions, yet often we find very similar species coexisting in nature, species that seem to need the same resources. How do they coexist? Refuge from competition Predation keeps populations of each species low enough that they do not compete Resources may be variable in space and time, so that the species coexist because both do not find resource at same time
Dung – a valuable, variable resource Dung Beetles Dung Fly
Predation Great White Shark and Fur Seal
Lions hunting – True Predator
Moose Browsing – Partial Predator
Parasitoid Wasp
Specialists and Generalist Predators Advantages to being a specialist 1. Avoid interspecific competition 2. Allows evolution to overcome chemical defense 3. Allows evolution of cryptic coloration that matches prey - mostly for insects on plants 4. Increases chance of mate encounter Advantages of being a generalist 1. Flexibility in face of environmental uncertainty 2. Broad diet needed to get all necessary nutrients and vitamins 3. Avoid overdosing on any one toxin - mostly for animals grazing on chemically defended plants
Pied Wagtail
Caribou eating lichens
Edible mussel – Mytilus edulis
Black oystercatcher
Bluegill sunfish
Mink Muskrat
Red grouse in heather
Tawny Owl Bank vole
Cinnabar Moth and Caterpillar on Ragwort Tansy
Snowshoe hare and Lynx
Lynx Ruffed GrouseSnowshoe hare
Sea Otter
Sea Urchin
Kelp Forest
Sea Otter eating Sea Urchin in Kelp Forest
Comparison of kelp and urchin biomass with and without sea otters
Kelp forest ecsystems with and without sea otters