EEE340Lecture 041 b). Along path OP 1 P Solution. Using (2-52) of cylindrical a).


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Presentation transcript:

EEE340Lecture 041 b). Along path OP 1 P Solution. Using (2-52) of cylindrical a).

EEE340Lecture 042 b). The integrals (2-80) and (2-81) are the same mathematically, and they both result in a scalar.

EEE340Lecture 043 Example where and path C is a portion of circle r =3 in the 1 st quadrant count-clock, as shown in the Figure. Solution 1. Cartesian The integral path satisfies

EEE340Lecture 044 Therefore Solution 2. Cylindrical (polar) Advantage: (From (2-52)) Disadvantage: Converting into cylindrical

EEE340Lecture 045 Using (2-84) it follows

EEE340Lecture 046 Hence where on the integration path. finally

EEE340Lecture 047 Surface integrals and where is outward base vector Example Given find where S is a cylinder rod of and r=2.

EEE340Lecture 048 Solution. 1). Top: Hence 2). Bottom. Same result as 1).

EEE340Lecture 049 3). Side wall Finally

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